Newsletter Calendar Donate Newsletter, July 20, 2023 Join the fun and take action Susan Chandler, Mike Saunders, and Frank Porter are hosting an El Dorado County weekly phone bank on Wednesdays, 3:30pm to 6pm starting on July 19 and running until September 27. Susan, Mike and Frank need volunteers to make this a success. The volunteers who are on the phones are really enjoying it. We are asking voters about what issues are of importance to them and then LISTENING. This is very different from other phone banks. And it is the personal conversations, and deep canvassing that is preparing us for next year's elections. Talking with voters is how we will flip CD3. And if we are not willing to make phone calls ourselves, how can we ask others to do it? Training and calling happens on Zoom. Here are the shifts to choose from: Mondays 4-6pm (hosted by Nevada County Democrats) Tuesdays 4-6pm (hosted by Mono County Democrats) Wednesdays, 3:30pm to 6pm (hosted by El Dorado County) Thursdays 5-8pm (hosted by CADEM) Saturdays 10-12pm (hosted by Placer County Democrats) WILL YOU JOIN Northern California Democrats to TAKE ACTION TO REBUILD OUR HOUSE MAJORITY? YES, I WILL TAKE ACTION - Click here for more info Are you looking for a party?... Host you neighbors and friends We're looking for Democrats willing to host small, local house parties and invite friends and neighborhood Democrats. We have a guidebook on how to host a house party, we'll provide a speaker, and you enjoy time with your guests. For more information Click here How is the California Democratic Party structured?... This short animated video illustrates the structure of the CADEM Party. Click here. Learn how delegates are selected for California Democrats state-wide Convention and Executive Board. Click here. El Dorado County Democratic Party | P.O. Box 1126, Diamond Springs, CA 95619 Unsubscribe
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