Free on November 16th @ 2pm ET

 Association of Political Consultants

Free Online Webinar

Get a comprehensive preview of the 2024 election cycle from political professionals in this AAPC webinar. Register today to:

  • Explore election trends and key races and stay up-to-date with evolving polling tactics and their reliability
  • Discover how campaign messaging and ad tactics have transformed, and gain valuable insights into ad buying strategies for 2024
  • Get insights on AI in media and how it's shaping the political landscape

Catch up on These Recent Programs

 Association of Political Consultants

AAPC hosted a discussion with experienced media consultants as they discussed the importance of authenticity in political campaign imagery. Key takeaways:

  • Royalty Free vs. Editorial Content. Turn to the editorial library when looking for an image of a specific place, time, person, event, etc. Access the royalty-free creative library when looking to illustrate an idea. There are different uses for both types of content. A common use case for editorial content is using images of an opponent.
  • AI Generated Content. Remember the importance of authenticity. Voters tend to trust campaigns that use REAL images, not AI-generated content
  • Mitigating Risk. It is crucial to document EVERYTHING! Save the image number, know where the image came from, know who took the photo, the source, the location, etc. It’s also in your best interest to get multiple sets of eyes on the content you’re working on
  • Coherent Brand Image. Try to tell a story. What was the last ad the viewers saw in the campaign, and what do you want them to see next? Try to bridge that gap by taking the viewers on a journey. Ensure there are common elements throughout (logos, colors, design choices, etc)
 Association of Political Consultants

AAPC hosted a fireside chat with top political experts from Arena and on pivotal strategies for the 2024 elections. Key Takeaways:

  • Target Gen Z and Millennial voters using direct mail. Since a large number of this audience are cord cutters, mail is one of the most effective ways to reach them
  • Don’t just text voters to ask for money. Texting can be used for polls, surveys, election information, etc. You are more likely to get your texts blocked by voters if you are only texting for money grabs
  • Start with the basics. It’s easy to get wrapped up in new tech and outreach opportunities. Look into voter trends, past election results, etc. What will turnout look like? Start your path to victory from there
  • Don’t underestimate the versatility of social media. Social media can be a HUGE fundraising tool for your campaign or organization while also being used to showcase messaging and imagery
  • 2024 will be the year of the text. Texting will play a larger role in this cycle than it ever has before

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The American Association of Political Consultants

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