Dear Friend,
As we honor Veterans Day today, I want to take a moment to thank all my fellow Veterans who served our great Country and especially those who call Maryland’s First Congressional District home. We owe a great deal of gratitude to the Veterans who put their lives on the line… not for fame or recognition…. but to defend our fundamental rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
America’s Veterans are the backbone of our nation’s defense and the guardians of our freedom. As a Veteran myself, I fully understand the commitment and sacrifice each serviceman and servicewoman made to protect and defend our great nation.
Throughout my time in Congress, I’ve made serving Veterans in my district a top priority. From helping them navigate the bureaucracy of the VA, to assisting with the transition from military to civilian life, to voting for meaningful pay increases. I believe that every solider, sailor, Marine, and airman who serves our country deserves our utmost respect.
As we honor Veterans Day, let us take a moment to salute all those who are currently fighting for our freedoms both in Maryland’s First Congressional District and across our Country.
Thank you!