12th January 2024
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In this Issue...

READ: Positive pro-life story featured on RTÉ’s Operation Transformation

READ: Fundamental changes to Medical Council Ethics Guidelines

READ:  ‘Smallest-ever’ premature baby born in Ireland arrived home for their first Christmas

READ: PLC Internships Now Open - Apply Now!

REGISTER NOW: Book a place today at Student Summit 2024

ACTION: Get involved in the Humanity Campaign – Communicate with your politicians today

ACTION: Do you have pro-life material which could be historically relevant?
Positive pro-life story featured on RTÉ’s Operation Transformation
Viewers of the first episode of a new series of RTÉ’s Operation Transformation on Wednesday last week were touched by the testimony of participant Noel O’Connell and his wife Katrina. The parents to three children described how they were surprised to learn Katrina was pregnant again. At one of the scans, they learned that their son Ollie had a “massive hole in his heart” and would probably have down syndrome.

Noel told the host Kathryn Thomas that they considered abortion and the difficulty of the decision. He recalled a story of how his father used to visit a girl with down syndrome, and asked “what would he think of me if I was to go down the other route [i.e. abortion]?” He therefore thought “no, we’re going to go roll with it... We couldn’t play God. The child has a chance!” 

Thankfully Noel and Katrina decided to proceed with the pregnancy. Baby Ollie spent nearly two years in-and-out in Crumlin Hospital. His dad describes him as a “fantastic kid”. He’s a boy full of life and energy and is adored by his family.

It was interesting that this positive story was showcased on RTÉ, because for many viewers it highlighted the importance and uniqueness of human life from its earliest beginnings.
Fundamental changes to Medical Council Ethics Guidelines
"You must not take part in the deliberate killing of a patient. Usually, you will give treatment that is intended to prolong a patient’s life." 

In 2016, the Irish Medical Council published the 8th edition of its Guide to Professional Medical Practitioners. The words above appeared in Section 46 of that document, written in language that was unambigious in the clear expectation that the doctor and patient relationship was a benign one.
In the 9th edition, just published this January and now in effect, these guidelines have been removed without explanation. This alteration has obvious implications for the potential legalisation of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.

Professor Des O'Neill referred to the changes as 'remarkably tone-deaf from ethical perspective given international context in peer-reviewed ethics literature on euthanasia/assisted suicide and significant work in clinical ethics in major postgraduate medical colleges representing thousands of Irish doctors, relating to euthanasia and assisted suicide'. 

Such an abrupt change to these guidelines does a disservice to the large numbers of doctors who are fiercely opposed to the legalisation of Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide in Ireland. The Oireachtas Joint Committee on Assisted Dying is currently considering this very issue, with the majority of medics before them offering grave warnings about potential legalisation. 

Professor Feargal Twomey of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland told the committee: 
''There have been major advances in promoting high-quality care at the end of life across a spectrum of healthcare provision in Ireland, in particular, through the provision of palliative care services and increased training in palliative care and palliative medicine across the professions.''
Legislation for assisted suicide threatens to undermine these efforts, risking a shift away from funding, development and delivery of new and existing palliative care services and potentially reducing research in this area.

This disfiguring of the patient doctor relationship is a common theme amongst those speaking to the committee, with Dr. Miriam Colleran offering the following observation during her appearance in November: "A major concern when considering assisted dying is the risk of inappropriate deaths, the risk to persons who may be vulnerable, and that the right to die may become the duty to die".

We have seen cases in Canada where people who have presented themselves to a GP with depression have been offered Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) while others have been offered Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide in cases where they had endured lengthy wait times for chemotherapy or for disability assistance. In Canada, most cases of Medical Assistance in Dying are provided for by physicians. If Euthanasia/ Assisted Suicide were to be legalised in Ireland, doctors would no longer be seen as individuals who have the best interest of their patients at heart, rather they would be obliged to recommend this act of despair. This would be simply because the government is offering it, rather than because it is in the best interests of the patient. 

This has been part of the reasoning for the Danish Council of Medical Ethics choosing to reject euthanasia, stating that 'it will have negative consequences for patients' trust in the doctor and for his wholehearted interest in what is in the patient's best interest'. 

Other changes in the guidelines impact on the wider right to life issue. In August 2021, the Pro Life Campaign made a submission to the Irish Medical Council regarding the now updated Guide to Medical Practitioners. The point was made that the legalisaton of aborting the unborn should not mean the forgetting of basic ethics regarding medical care, specifically those that were present for mother and baby prior to 2018: 'While the new abortion law in Ireland permits abortion and ignores the rights of unborn babies, there is nothing stopping the Medical Council from acknowledging the “two-patient” model of care and the principles which underpin it'. 

Given the soaring abortion rates, questions must now be asked regarding the broader ethical framework of our medical system. Has the phrase 'Do no harm', become a relic of the past? Has it been replaced by a colder, more cynical mantra found in the Medical Council Guidelines just released: 'This guidance should be read in conjunction with all relevant policy and legal developments during its period of application'. That phrase has appeared while this important one has worryingly been removed, 'Medical care must not be used as a tool of the State. As a doctor, you must be free to make judgements about your patients’ clinical needs and to give appropriate treatment without political pressure'. 

In Canada, Euthanasia has increased by 35% in the past year. In the UK, abortion increased by 17% in the same period. The Irish Medical Council's changes to their guidelines reflect this sad cultural shift away from a culture of life. The admirable work of medical professionals who work hard to improve the lives of their patients is undermined by such guidelines.  

It’s essential that doctors react against these guidelines and make their views known to the Medical Council. You can read the new guidelines here
‘Smallest-ever’ premature baby born in Ireland arrived home for their first Christmas
Lovely Story in the British Independent over the holidays!

The ‘smallest ever’ premature baby born in Ireland celebrated her first Christmas. The “miracle” as described by Raina Gilmore's parents Rachel and Marcus from County Antrim,  weighed just 378g when she was born in June at just 26 weeks with just a 10 per cent chance of surviving!

Wishing Raina and her family a very Happy New Year!

PLC Internships Now Open - Apply Now!
Explore the world of human rights with our internship programme! This is your chance to network, learn advocacy skills, and gain experience in campaign management and project planning.

This one-week internship is available starting every Monday from 15th January. It is suitable for TY and older, third-level students, and anyone interested in gaining experience in non-profit work! 

Click below to learn more and apply now!
Learn More Here
Book a place today at Student Summit 2024
Student Summit 2024 is taking place from 2nd-4th February 2024 at Glencomeragh House, Waterford.

This weekend is jam packed with inspiring talks, engaging workshops, delicious food, and exhilarating hikes.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to elevate your student journey and learn more about pro-life activism!

Book a free place NOW!!
Register Here
Humanity Campaign - Action Alert!
It’s a really important time to approach your local TDs and Senators and urge them to reintroduce some humanity into the debate on abortion. The Three-Year Review, a seriously flawed process which produced a one-sided and extreme report, will be considered by politicians in the autumn. It’s important that we take action now.

We have produced a quick and easy Virtual Postcard for you to sign, which will automatically send an email to your local TDs. Use the button below to navigate into your county on our website and find your constituency.

It’s also important to have meetings with your TDs. These can be as simple as dropping into your local TD’s advice clinic to outline your concerns. Click below to register to lobby your local TDs. Don’t worry – we’ll help you every step of the way with advice on making the appointment to points you might consider raising.

We are heartened by the number of people actively involved and interested in meeting their politicians to express their views. The People Before Profit Bill which regrettably passed at 2nd stage of the Dáil on 31st May must also be countered. Even the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has said this Bill goes far beyond the recommendations of the Three-Year Review – which are already extreme in their own right.

It is crucial to engage with our politicians and remind them not to overlook the referendum promises. We need to fight to ensure our abortion policy is aimed at reducing the abortion rate.

Please take a moment to get involved in the
Humanity Campaign.  Remember even the smallest effort will make a big difference.

Thank you!
Send an instant email to your politicians here
Read more about the Humanity Campaign here
Do you have pro-life material which could be historically relevant?
We are putting out a call for anyone in possession of any documents, photographs, correspondence, etc. relevant to the Irish pro-life movement throughout the decades. We are particularly keen to receive anything in your possession related to periods such as the 1983 referendum. A comprehensive history of the pro-life movement is yet to be written, but the historians of the future will need primary sources. We are asking for people to get in touch with the Pro Life Campaign if they possess such material (no matter how old or dusty!) to ensure it is preserved now and not lost to the ages. 
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