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My Fellow Conservatives,

There are some things you should know about the Congressional race for District 22 before tonight’s candidate forum!

For years now, Dan Franzese has wrapped himself in the mantle of being the pro-Trump conservative of Palm Beach County. From his campaign and his campaign allies, we didn’t hear much else about Franzese’s agenda. What we did hear from him and his allies was a constant stream of negative messaging blistering his primary opponents. He barely eked out a victory in the primary and was obliterated in the general election by Lois Frankel who beat him by 28,000 votes.

Why is this important? Because Dan and his allies are up to their same old tricks with repeated negative emails attacking Andrew Gutmann using half-truths and innuendo.

I have been running campaigns in Florida for conservatives for over 20 years, consulting for some of the strongest pro-Trump supporters in the state and beating back the woke ideologies of the extreme left. When I met Andrew Gutmann last year, I instantly realized he is the real deal. I agree with Tucker Carlson that Andrew Gutmann is the kind of guy that needs to be running this country.  

Andrew Gutmann is a strong conservative who has been critical of the Federal Reserve, a passionate supporter of free market principles, and a leader in the national movement to take back our classrooms from the left-wing loonies that are trying to indoctrinate our children with transgenderism and critical race theory nonsense.

Andrew Gutmann has been praised by the New York Post, conservative publications in Florida, and Tucker Carlson for leading the fight against the woke.

Yet, Dan Franzese disagrees with all of those bona fide conservatives in his desperate attempt to win the nomination and has no apparent agenda other than to attempt to smear Gutmann with half-truths and innuendo, such as suggesting that Gutmann doesn’t support Trump. Give me a break.

But this is no surprise. Franzese likes to play fast and loose with the truth anyway as was noted in the article from last year where he claimed an endorsement that he did not have. Can't believe Franseze on endorsements. Can’t believe him and his allies with their attacks on Gutmann. Will be interesting to see if Franzese can stick to the truth at tonight’s forum.

Andrew Gutmann will win this primary, and he will beat Lois Frankel in November. Frankel’s only hope is to stop Gutmann in the primary, and it would seem that the Franzese attacks are very helpful for the Frankel strategy.

I urge you to join me and many other conservatives in supporting Andrew Gutmann for Congress and dismissing the half-truths of Lois Frankel’s preferred candidate Dan Franzese.

Brett Doster
Senior Media Advisor
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