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Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering
Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions Offering + Week of Prayer, September 8–15, 2024

This year’s Dixie Jackson Arkansas Missions testimonies show how participation in organized events throughout the state can help us see needs, feel the compassion of Christ, and act on that compassion. Last year, over 800 people were served at medical and dental clinics around Arkansas.

Whenever you give, pray, or serve, you and your church are making a life-changing difference in communities all around our state.


Download prayer guide, videos, lesson plans, and other resources

Arkansas Baptist Women Conference
Arkansas Baptist Women Conference

September 21

Conference offers an exciting day for Arkansas Baptist Women on Saturday, September 21, at First Baptist Church in Benton. This day is designed for women of all ages and stages of life. You can expect powerful worship, dynamic speakers, and meaningful times of connection that will bless, challenge, and equip you!

Information and registration

WMU Annual Meeting & Missions Celebration
WMU Annual Meeting & Missions Celebration

Arkansas WMU Annual Meeting & Missions Celebration 2024 will take place at Arkansas Baptist Women Conference at First Baptist Church in Benton on Saturday, September 21. You’ll be blessed and challenged by the worship, fellowship, and speaker at Conference.  Also, in the WMU connection group you’ll experience a two-hour focus on missions, missions, missions!

Registration is open.

Replicate, September 20–22

September 20–22

Replicate is a weekend of life-changing messages, powerful worship, small groups, and interactive experiences challenging students to live a life that "replicates" Jesus. Replicate seeks to encourage and equip not only students to reflect Jesus in their everyday lives, but their leaders as well. For students grades 6–12 and their leaders at Camp Siloam.

Information and registration

Prepare + Protect Trainings
Prepare + Protect Trainings

This training is for church pastoral and administrative staff and lay leaders, particularly those who work with children. Christa Neal, chairperson of the ABSC Sexual Abuse Response and Resource Team, will be the featured speaker. She will share important information related to abuse awareness and response. 

Pray for Planters
Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief 2024 Trainings

Arkansas Baptist State Convention Disaster Relief extends the love of Christ to disaster survivors by preparing hot meals, removing damaging trees and debris, tarping roofs, shoveling mud, providing emergency communications, and coordinating the response through Incident Command leadership. Make plans to attend the following regional training event:

  • September 21—Rogers

Information and registration

Trauma Training
Trauma Training

October 4

“Understanding and Responding to Complex Trauma—Loving and Caring for People from Hard Places” will be from 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., October 4, at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Building in Little Rock. The training will be led by Gretchen Smeltzer, a church planting wife in Summit, Arkansas, and will provide practical ways to come alongside people to offer them comfort, compassion, and other resources, as we seek to introduce them to Jesus.

Information and registration

One Day
One Day

October 5

One Day Acts 1:8 Missions Experience provides an annual opportunity for Arkansas Baptists to impact lostness in a specific area of our state. This year's ministry sites will be in the Jacksonville/North Pulaski Baptist Association area. Registration is open.

More information

Connect Missions Weekend
Connect Missions Weekend

Looking for a student missions experience? Join us for a weeklong missions trip experience packaged into a single weekend. CONNECT helps to engage students in and equip them for the mission. Connect will be hosted by East Side Baptist Church in Mountain Home, October 11–13.

Information and registration

2024 ServSafe® Training
ServeSafe Training

October 12

ServSafe® is a certification by the National Restaurant Association for safe food handling. After classroom instruction, a proctored exam will be given for a 5-year ServSafe Manager certificate. This is a one-day course from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 12. The cost is $70.

Information and registration

Pastors' Conference + Annual Meeting
Pastors' Conference + Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar to attend the Pastors' Conference + Arkansas Baptist State Convention Annual Meeting at Geyer Springs First Baptist Church in Little Rock. The Pastors' Conference and Ministers Wives' Conference will be on Monday, October 21. The Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention will convene on Tuesday morning, October 22, and end at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, October 23.

Sending Church Lab
Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast with Andrea Lennon
Arkansas Baptist Women Podcast 

More of Jesus: ABC&FM Toy Bus Express

In this episode, Andrea is joined by Tonya Larmoyeux and Heather Noel to talk about all the amazing things God is doing right here in Arkansas through Arkansas Baptist Children & Family Ministries. You will learn about the vision of the ministry and the newest addition of the Toy Bus Express. You will be moved by the amazing stories of God’s loving pursuit and how He is working in the lives of children and families. You will also learn how you and your church can be involved!


Listen now

Missionize with the Missions Guys Podcast
Missionize with the Missions Guys Podcast

Missions Discipleship with Travis & Debbie

When we think about missions discipleship, do we think of curriculum or of relationship? Clint and Dr. Sam sit down with Travis McCormick and Debbie Moore of the Missions Team to discuss missions discipleship.


Listen now

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About Us
The Arkansas Baptist State Convention is made up of five agencies/institutions that are funded by the Cooperative Program and Dixie Jackson Offering giving of more than 1,500 Arkansas churches.

The Teams of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention are regularly creating resources for your use. Find more resources, organized by Team, on our website.
Arkansas Baptist State Convention
Contact Us:
Arkansas Baptist State Convention 
10 Remington Drive
Little Rock, AR 72204
Call us:  501-376-4791
Missions Team   Church Planting Team   Church Health Team   College + Young Leaders Team   Executive + Administrative Team

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Arkansas Baptist State Convention · 10 Remington Drive · Little Rock, AR 72204 · USA