This Tuesday's meeting is going VIRTUAL
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Welcome John, we hope you, and your family and friends, are well and practicing physical distancing.
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, May 12, 7 - 8:30pm
First Unitarian Society ([link removed]) [DEL: (Ogden & Astor) :DEL]
Q&A About Global Climate Heating
Our May meeting will be virtual, hosted using Zoom - you've probably already used or heard about Zoom. We expect we'll be hosting many more meetings using Zoom, so we're giving the uninitiated a chance to get acquainted with Zoom.
Zoom Orientation Meeting: Saturday, May 9 - 2:00pm
- See invitation below
Tuesday Meeting agenda:
* Welcome - This meeting is a chance for you to participate and address the questions you have about the climate crisis, global heating and where the climate movement is headed.
* General update - The 350 Climate movement in the midst of the pandemic - nationally and locally.
* What can we accomplish in the next few months, given our COVID-19 restrictions?
* Q&A session - see the ground rules below
+ Some areas for questions
o climate crisis in general
o science oriented questions
o strategies to address the crisis
o’s current priorities for action (stop funding the fossil fuel industry)
+ The 350MKE Steering Committee will act as a panel to address the questions
Some ground rules for the meeting:
* The meeting host will keep attendees muted and unmute people when appropriate
* Questions
+ Submit questions (as many as you like) in advance by replying to this email
+ During the meeting use the chat box to write your question and name
+ There will be a facilitator and the chat stream will be monitored
Getting prepared for the meeting:
* Submit questions in advance by replying to this email
* If you don't already have the Zoom app installed
+ Join the Zoom Practice Meeting (invitation below)
+ Or if you have technical skills, click on the Join Zoom Meeting invitation below and follow the directions (takes up to 10 minutes)
* On Tuesday, click the Join Zoom Meeting link below
Your Zoom meeting invitation follows
May 12th, Tuesday 7 - 9 pm
George Martin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
[link removed]
Meeting ID: 893 4129 5592
Password: 310422
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,89341295592#,,1#,310422# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,89341295592#,,1#,310422# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 893 4129 5592
Password: 310422
Find your local number: [link removed]
Do you have an idea for a future meeting?
email us at: 350mke(at)gmail(dot)com
350 Milwaukee Zoom Orientation Meeting
Saturday, May 9, 2 - 3pm
Our May meeting will be virtual using Zoom. This Saturday a "get familiar with Zoom" session will held for those who would like to ramp up for Tuesday's meeting.
Zoom Orientation Meeting
Hello 350 MKE Member,
Due to the Coronavirus, our regular 350 MKE monthly meeting be hosted virtually on the Zoom meeting app. This app is very popular and used by organizations, businesses and families to gather in this crisis. This monthly meeting will be Tuesday, May 12th at 7 pm.
Have you used the Zoom meeting app and are you comfortable with it?
If your answer is no, please join us for a 350 Zoom Orientation this Saturday at 2 pm, hosted by George Martin who will be available by old fashion telephone to assist you.
1. At 2pm on Saturday, click the following link to view a YouTube video called ‘Joining a Zoom Call for the First Time; Fun and Easy Online Connection. ([link removed]) ’
1. [link removed]
2. At 1 min 13 seconds into the video, click the following link per the instructor’s direction. Keep both the video and Zoom link on your screen. During the video, you can pause it to follow her instructions on the Zoom link.
1. [link removed]
2. Meeting ID: 860 6429 4897
3. Password: 645391
3. Doing the above should get you into the Zoom room where we can see each other and talk to continue the orientation after the eight minute video is done.
If you have difficulties, please phone me at 414-745-5740. See you on your computer on Saturday at 2 pm.
Thanks George
Your Zoom practice meeting invitation follows
Join Zoom Meeting
[link removed]
Meeting ID: 832 1277 8108
Password: 645391
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,83212778108#,,1#,479678# US (Chicago)
+16468769923,,83212778108#,,1#,479678# US (New York)
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID:
860 6429 4897
Password: 479678
Find your local number: [link removed]
Would you chip in a few dollars at the Action Network ([link removed]) to help defray the personal cost to the eleven people arrested?
Next Court Date???
Milwaukee Municipal Court is closed through June 12
Milwaukee City Municipal Court ([link removed])
951 N James Lovell St.
[link removed] Dec. 6, 2019, The People's Climate Coalition held a rally and demonstration in downtown Milwaukee in accordance with the International Youth Climate Strikes and the Sunrise Movement National Climate Strikes. On that day eleven individuals were arrested during a peaceful sit-in protesting fossil fuel financing by Wells Fargo Bank.
The eleven people arrested are members of the People's Climate Coalition @PCC.MKE ([link removed]) (in addition to other Milwaukee climate groups). These eleven people (many of whom are students) will have total fines between about $1300 and $1700 depending on the eventual fines for the men.
You weren't arrested, but you can contribute by donating to help with their fines at PCC.MKE at the Action Network ([link removed])
Please donate $5, $10, or more. Your help will go towards the fines of these eleven people.
Thank you,
350 Milwaukee
Future Local Actions:
2020 Democratic National Convention
Milwaukee WI
Week of August 17
Stay Tuned
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