News from Representative Guest

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Dear Friend,

I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach me via my Contact  page or by calling 202-225-5031. 

Brighter Days are Ahead

Not only did President Trump win the majority of the Electoral College votes, but he is winning the popular vote. Republicans were able to flip the Senate and it looks like there are several additional seats that may be in play still as the votes are counted. I’m confident the Republicans will control the House. Read more about my thoughts here.


Hosting a Staff Retreat in Meridian

My team was in Meridian this week for our annual staff retreat. I am honored to have dedicated staff who love Mississippi and work hard every day to make Mississippi a great place to live, worship, and raise a family. I am honored to represent Meridian, Lauderdale County, and the entire Third Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Making my staff and myself available in our communities will continue to be a high priority. Read more about the staff retreat I hosted in Meridian here. 



Leading a Resolution to Honor our Veterans

This week, I introduced a resolution in the United States House of Representatives to honor “the service and sacrifice of America’s veterans” and calling “on the people of the United States to observe Veterans Day in recognition of the heroic actions of America’s veterans to protect the United States and allow freedom to endure.” I was proud to be joined by more than 120 of my colleagues who supported the resolution on a bipartisan basis as original cosponsors.  Read more about the resolution here.

Receiving the American Farm Bureau Federation Friend of Farm Bureau Award

I am honored to have received the American Farm Bureau Federation Friend of Farm Bureau award for my support of agriculture. Farmers are an integral part of our community, and I am grateful to have received this award.


Attending a Groundbreaking

I was proud to join the Governor and other elected officials at the groundbreaking for the new Mississippi Rural Water Association training facility. This new facility will train water operators across our state to better serve our communities.






Coming to Your Area Soon

My staff will be onsite in Lincoln County on November 13th. We would love for you to stop by and say hello or to request assistance with a federal casework matter.  Details are in the graphics below or can be found here.



Poll Results from Last Week

Last week, I asked if ONLY American citizens be allowed to vote in Federal elections, and 98% of you said yes. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X to stay up-to-date on my work serving you.




Weekly Poll

I ask. You answer.

Question: Do you support our farmers?


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