In Israel and around the world, including here in our state of New York, our Jewish brothers and sisters remain under attack and antisemitism continues to grow unchecked, the latest tragic example of which is the murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan in Dubai. And inexplicably, some in the media are choosing to downplay the reality of what these attacks are - disgusting acts of antisemitism.
Now is the moment that counts. This is the moment that is going to be in the history books. This is a pivotal moment and this is the moment when true friends stand shoulder to shoulder and fight against antisemitism.
I talked more about this during a visit with my friends at the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education. You can listen to my remarks here and below.
I also am proud to be part of a team of legal professionals put together to defend Israel's prime minister. I view this as a continuation of my work as governor, where I made fighting antisemitism and supporting Israel a top priority.
I’m proud of my record, but there remains much work to be done. I hope you join me.
Staying silent is being compliant.
Very Truly Yours,
Governor Andrew Cuomo