Dear John,
After my U.S. Senate Campaign of 2017 ended, I knew I had to make a decision: I could sit back and ignore the problems facing our nation and our electorate, or I could stand up to try to change things. 
God is my ultimate and sufficient defender (Isaiah 19:20), but as Christians we are required to seek justice (Isaiah 1:17).  My justification is in God’s hands, but seeking justice in our nation is our responsibility.
The Defense Fund was a response to this call!  When we sued the individuals who slandered my name and character, we did it primarily for the sake of other candidates who will be attacked with the same kind of lies. 

Likewise, when we sued the PAC’s that were funding this kind of disinformation, we did it for the sake of other patriots who would be up against slanderous millions. 

And when we sued the news media who were gleefully publishing false information, we did it so they would realize: it’s not a game to mislead the public during important elections for the welfare of our state and nation.
We are pleased to announce that our suit against the Senate Majority PAC, Highway 31, and other liberal consulting firms is moving forward, with a hearing confirmed for June 10th

Further, in the case against the Washington Examiner, we were recently informed that one of the largest law firms in Alabama, Lightfoot, Franklin & White (already involved in the Corfman defamation suit) has joined our opposition. 

Lightfoot also represented the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) when I opposed the illegal enforcement of same-sex marriage in Alabama and were instrumental in having me removed from the office of Chief Justice.

My Defense Fund is not funded by special interest or any mega-billionaire, but by everyday Americans like yourself who are tired of seeing our Country go into a moral slum!

I am asking you to stand with me to the end, so we can defeat these forces of evil and prevent them from carrying out their defamatory actions on the next conservative to take a stand for God and Country!
Every dollar donated to the Judge Moore Legal Defense Fund has been put towards this end. 

Thank you for caring about the future of our Country and for standing with us in this endeavor. 

In these uncertain times, we find great comfort in the fact that we do not fight alone and that patriots like you join the fight. 

Your support is greatly appreciated!
May God bless you,
Copyright © 2020 Judge Roy Moore Legal Defense Fund, All rights reserved.
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