Latest research
NHS hospital admissions for mental health conditions among under 18 year olds (per 100,00). Heat map of England shows that rates are highest in Herefordshire (309), North Somerset (242), Darlington (201). National rate: 80.9 per 100,000. Source: OHID, 2023. New referrals of children to secondary mental health services (per 100,000). Heat map of England shows that rates are highest in Rotherham (18,214), Rochdale (13,376), North Lincolnshire (13,008). National rate: 6,977 per 100,000. Source: OHID, 2020.

Equally Well

Poor physical health is the main driver of the mortality gap which puts people with severe mental illness at risk of dying 15-20 years earlier on average than the general population. Working to eradicate this gap is a crucial focus in the fight to end mental health injustice.

Equally Well has recently kickstarted work around an important piece of research seeking to refine and implement a risk calculator for physical health conditions among people who have experienced psychosis. The calculator will identify early signs of diabetes and heart disease among other conditions, to enable earlier intervention. As part of this work, they are offering people with lived experience of psychosis the opportunity to be part of a 5 year Fellowship Advisory Group - find out more.

Work with us

We’re equipping services and decision makers nationwide to meet people’s needs and reduce mental health inequalities.

We work with partners to understand local and national mental health needs. Our evaluations and peer-led research help uncover and understand what works to address health inequalities. Our unrivalled expertise in mental health policy and economic analysis, and wealth of experience supporting health systems, make us a trusted authority on how to drive lasting change.

We can work with your integrated care system, local authority, or mental health service to build understanding of good practice and realise better mental health for all.


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