The holiday of Hanukkah, known as the festival of lights, is a time to reflect on finding light in the darkness.
This fall, I’ve traveled across Colorado, and heard from many of our communities. When people told me their worries about what might lie ahead in the new year, I have shared what continues to give me hope—my grandmother’s story of survival and resilience, giving birth to my mom during the Holocaust and always holding onto hope for the future.
My grandmother’s legacy was to choose hope even during times that may seem dark. As we prepare for the year ahead, my focus remains on how to best serve the people of Colorado, providing space for the sharing of ideas and concerns, and working to get results for Colorado.
During these challenging times, I continue to believe in the promise of America, the country that saved my family. And I believe in the promise of Colorado, a state where we can solve any challenge together.
I wish everyone the happiest of holidays and a new year filled with hope and light.