December 23, 2024
I hope you and your family are well! I wanted to provide you with a few updates regarding what’s going on –
Thank You and Farewell
So many of you have reached out with kind words of gratitude toward me and my service as your Congressman for these 14 years, but it has truly been a privilege and an honor to represent South Carolina's 3rd District.
I have tried to do my best to fight for Conservative values, to fight against the insanity of the far left, to clawback overspending of both parties, and to provide a better future with more opportunities for our children.
Though I haven't been perfect, I believe I have fought well and stood by the principles that I was sent to Washington, D.C. over 14 years ago to defend.
It's a new day for America, and I'm excited for the America-first agenda that President Trump and a Republican House and Senate will bring forward next year.
I extend my sincerest wishes for success to Rep. Elect Sheri Biggs and am confident that she will serve SC-03 with distinction in the next Congress.
From me and my staff in DC and in the 3rd District, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
My Congressional Scorecard
I'm proud over the past 14 years to have scored well with these outstanding organizations:
Perhaps I'm even more proud of these low scores:
- 0% score, 10% lifetime with the ACLU
- 0% score with Planned Parenthood
- 0% score, 3% lifetime with League of Conservation Voters (Climate Activists)
- 0% score with Center for Biological Diversity (Climate Activists)
- 0% score, 6% lifetime with AFL-CIO
- 3% score with NAACP
I believe I represented South Carolina's Third District well!
Sending My Papers to Clemson
I have donated my congressional papers to Clemson University’s Special Collections and Archives. The donated records include my legislative work, speeches, audio and video recordings, and correspondence with major political and governmental figures. The papers, documenting fourteen years of exemplary service, give insight into my seven terms in office, legacy of service, and bipartisan and bicameral leadership.
Legacy Video
To try to encapsulate my career in Washington, D.C., representing South Carolina’s Third District, my team put together a series of interviews highlighting key moments and memories of my time in office.
There are 15 mini-episodes, or you can watch the full-length video (36:07)
It is an honor to serve the Third District of South Carolina.
Blessings and Liberty,
Jeff Duncan Member of Congress