Happy New Year 2025!
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** Chair's Corner
Aloha All,
As 2024 comes to a close, we reflect on the Hawaii Republican Party’s journey. There is much to be grateful for, yet we also acknowledge the challenges ahead.
One of the most significant outcomes this year was the re-election of President Donald Trump. While we firmly believe he won the 2020 election, we recognize that God had other intentions. The delay allowed the corruption in our system to be exposed, a critical step in awakening the people to the reality we face. Now, we must work together to secure our borders, strengthen our economy, and restore America’s place as a global beacon of hope. President Trump is counting on all of us to unite in this mission to save our country, and we have four years to make it happen.
Many people across Hawaii joined these efforts, contributing to the victory. Some joined the Trump Force to assist with making calls to battleground states, while others rallied, "caravanned", door knocked and energized voters. As a party, we worked diligently to secure all of the caucus votes for the Presidential nomination at the convention in Milwaukee. I personally signed documents solidifying this achievement, a milestone made possible by the collective efforts of many. Even with challenges that were put in our way.
Special thanks go to the county chairs (Mark Jones, Dalene McCormick, Ana Mo Des, Tammy Perkins) and their teams for ensuring that every voter who showed up to the caucus was able to cast their vote. To those who staffed each location and assisted with vote counting, your dedication did not go unnoticed. A heartfelt mahalo to Teri Savaiinaea, Sheryl Bieler, Mark Jones, Joelle Seashell, Kaulana Lee, and Brett Kulbis, who came together at the HRP Headquarters to count ballots. Thank you to Chanara Richmond and Ginger Goodwin for always stepping up and supporting all of the events and filling the pukas where needed.
A special shout out to Vice-Chair Teri Savaiinaea for driving across counties to assist Sheryl Bieler, who spent countless hours preparing ballots, sending materials to the counties, and receiving the results. Sheryl’s commitment also included securing locations statewide. Ms. Beckman also deserves recognition for her assistance in securing locations in Honolulu.
The Mililani Caucus location achieved the highest voter turnout in the state—an outstanding accomplishment. Thank you to “Kuka” Susan Broussard for her proactive leadership and to Jennifer Cabjuan, who excelled in voter registration efforts and worked with local churches on Oahu to get out the vote.
We are also proud to celebrate the election of 12 Republican officials, the most since 2004. The efforts of many, including rallies, sign-waving, town halls, door-knocking, statewide radio ads, social media campaigns, newsletters, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) initiatives, helped drive this success. These grassroots efforts not only supported President Trump but also strengthened down-ballot races. Now, we must maintain this momentum, continue to grow our numbers, and elect a strong gubernatorial candidate who truly represents the people of Hawaii.
Another significant accomplishment this year was the sale of the Kapiolani building. The State Committee voted in agreement with the OLRW to move forward with this decision, a topic of discussion for years. The party faced a deficit, a lien on the building, and back taxes in 2023. While some suggested bankruptcy, we chose a path of hard work, negotiations, and fundraising to avoid such an outcome. The sale resolved our financial burdens, avoided foreclosure, and positioned us for a brighter future. Also to those who helped with the clean up and moving out of the building. It was such a huge task, but myself and others such as Michael Jauch, Nolan Chang and his helper Jessie, Martin Choy, Sheryl Bieler, Dave Bueler, and others got the job done.
However, challenges remain. Being the ninth chair in under three years highlights the need for unity and support within our party. Internal issues and personal differences have hindered progress. It’s time to support leadership, focus on grassroots efforts, and restore faith in the Hawaii Republican Party. I am excited to introduce a new transparent fundraising initiative called “Know Where Your Money Goes,” which allows donors to choose how their contributions are used. I look forward to activating this soon.
Over the past 15 months, we have implemented several key initiatives:
* Financial Stability: Eliminated debt, resolved a lien, and avoided foreclosure through the sale of the Kapiolani building.
* GROW Program Success: Completed all three levels for the first time, earning over $50,000 from the RNC.
* Candidate Training & Support: Developed free training programs and voter outreach tools
* Community Engagement: Launched voter registration drives, statewide sign-waving events, and radio ads.
* Increased Representation: Achieved 12 elected Republican officials, the highest since 2004.
* Numinar-Kaulana Lee took the lead to get this tool to the candidates
* Legal-Retailed Dhillon Law firm to be the party's legal advisor and representative
* Fundraisers-Thank you to Nolan Change for his willingness to organize events and to take on the next Prince Kuhio event
* Office of Elections: Letters and testimony to challenge the process and expose the mishandling of meeting and voting processes
* Budgets, financial review, forensic audit in process, standing rules, town halls, preventing the party from receiving fines, social media recovery and growing presence, and MORE....
Additional accomplishments not only include the successful organization of our caucus and has been mentioned but also the recovery of essential digital tools, improved transparency, and new community initiatives such as beach cleanups lead by Andrea Rodgers, and coalition building. Jennifer Hunt has done a great job on our website and weekly updates and newsletters.
Looking ahead, we will hold precinct and district chair elections in early February. These meetings will prepare us for the State Convention, scheduled for May 24–25, 2025, at the War Memorial on Kauai. The convention fee is $75 for both days. During the convention, we will vote on new state rules and elect State Committee leaders, including the State Chair position.
To address the frequent question of whether I will run again for State Chair, I have not yet made a decision. This position is a significant commitment, and while the foundation has been laid, the party’s future depends on fresh ideas and bold leadership. I believe in the need for leaders with a deep passion for Hawaii’s culture and people. WE can't afford to go backwards to where we were, we need to move forward and strive to be where we NEED to be. I look forward to carving out some time to do a sit down to talk about my experience as the State chair and my overall involvement and adventures over the past 4 years, to include my time as County chair as well. Let's do a "Talk Story" session??
I do want to thank the executive team through all of the ups and down, good and bad, I appreciate your time and effort. We do have some great people who are passionate. Mahalo to the State body and all of the volunteers who have given up their time, and to those who go over and beyond where a little more help is needed. Thank you to all of the members and the patriots who know how important it is to fight and continue the joint effort to keep our country. There are many others to thanks in and out of the State of Hawaii who have been super supportive to include those at the RNC, Turning point, fellow state leaders, who just want to see Hawaii rise and be successful. I appreciate all of you, especially those who believe in being part of the solution.
Please visit our website at www.thehawaiirepublicanparty.com to get involved. Let’s continue to support President Donald J. Trump, build the party, and Make Hawaii Great Again. We need you to get involved. It takes more than a dollar to make change, it takes you, your heart, and your love for this state and country.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Wishing you a safe and Happy New Year!
Tamara McKay
State Chair, Hawaii Republican Party
Not paid by the HRP. No candidates or committees endorsed.
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