From Commerce Energy Division <[email protected]>
Subject Energy Specific Funding Opportunities - January 3, 2025
Date January 3, 2025 5:01 PM
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energy specific funding opportunties

January 3, 2025

State and Federal Funding Announcements

The *Minnesota Department of Commerce (MN Commerce) *seeks to work with and facilitate connections with local and Tribal governments, utilities, businesses, communities and other entities interested in energy-related partnerships. The opportunities outlined below are funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL, aka the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act or IIJA), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other state and federal energy programs.


Announcements: MN Commerce Energy Programs

*State Competitiveness Fund (SCF) Matching Funds Program Round 4*

The Minnesota State Legislature allocated $100,000,000 for MN Commerce to *award grant funding to eligible Minnesota entities and projects to enhance the likelihood of these entities receiving federal funding awards under the IIJA and IRA programs. *Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 216C.391, MN Commerce is soliciting proposals from eligible entities applying for federal funding opportunities requiring matching funds or applying for federal funding opportunities not requiring a match but for which a match would enhance the likelihood of the federal grant being funded. Projects selected for the SCF Matching Funds Program must demonstrate that the project will help meet the state's clean energy and energy-related climate goals through renewable energy development, energy conservation, efficiency, or energy-related greenhouse gas reduction benefits. The legislation stipulates:

* No single entity may receive grants totaling more than $15,000,000; and,
* At least $75,000,000 of the fund must be allocated for grant awards of less than $1,000,000.  

*All Round 4 requests must be for less than $1,000,000*.

*Deadline & Application*

* Deadline: January 17, 2025
* The Request for Proposals will be posted publicly online on the Department’s RFP page [ [link removed] ] ([link removed] [ [link removed] ])


*Conservation Applied Research and Development Working Group Facilitation for Energy Conservation and Optimization Income-Eligible Utility Program*

MN Commerce seeks proposals from qualified organizations or individuals to support facilitating engagement among community-based stakeholders to improve utilities’ energy efficiency programs and ensure that all customers—especially those considered under-resourced, residing in multi-family properties, and renters—are benefiting from deep energy savings. Minnesota’s Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Program is a ratepayer funded utility-administered program with regulatory oversight provided by MN Commerce. ECO programs help Minnesota households and businesses lower their energy costs by using electricity and natural gas more efficiently. Commerce is in the process of establishing a standing work group made up of utilities and interested parties to facilitate ongoing development and feedback concerning ECO income-eligible programing.

*Deadline & Application*

* Deadline: January 24, 2025
* The Request for Proposals will be posted publicly online on the Department’s RFP page [ [link removed] ] ([link removed] [ [link removed] ])


*Geothermal Planning Grant Program*

MN Commerce seeks proposals from local units of government (counties, cities, townships, and the Metropolitan Council) for qualified geothermal planning projects throughout Minnesota for the *Geothermal Planning Grant program*. This grant, with an allocated total of *$1.08 million*, was created by the State Legislature and designed to examine the technical and economic feasibility of installing geothermal energy systems and to provide a process for local units of government to apply to the Geothermal Planning Grant Program.

*Funding Opportunities*

* Analysis of the heating and cooling demand of the building or buildings that consume energy from the geothermal energy system;
* Evaluation of equipment that could be combined with a geothermal energy system to meet the building's heating and cooling requirements;
* Analysis of the geologic conditions of the earth in which a geothermal energy system operates, including the drilling of one or more test wells to characterize geologic materials and to measure properties of the earth and aquifers that impact the feasibility of installing and operating a geothermal energy system; and
* Preparation of a financial analysis of the project.

Technical assistance funded by this grant may be sub-awarded by the grant recipient to a contractor.

*Deadline & Application*

* Deadline: March 10, 2025
* The Request for Proposals will be posted publicly online on the Department’s RFP page [ [link removed] ] ([link removed])


Recent and Expected Federal Funding Activity

The federal government issues a variety of announcements related to federal funding opportunities: Requests for Information (RFI), Notices of Intent (NOI) and energy Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA and NOFO). More information can be found on the Commerce Federal Funding Opportunities web page [ [link removed] ] or by clicking the links below.

*To facilitate a quick review of this newsletter, the subject matter of included items is previewed here; full details can be found in the body of the newsletter.*

Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA), Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD), Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Requests for Applications (RFA) [ #FOA1 ]

* Wind Turbine Technology Recycling - BIL
* Point Source Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilots, Commercial Demonstrations, and Networked Demonstration Commercialization – BIL
* Carbon Capture Technology Program, Front-End Engineering and Design for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transport – Fourth Release – BIL
* Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (CIFIA) Program: Future Growth Grants - BIL
* Municipal Investment Fund
* Renewable Integration Management with Innovative High Voltage Direct Current Power Circuit Breakers (REIMAGINE BREAKERS)
* Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs – Recurring Program
* High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain Innovative Technology 
* Systems Biology Research to Advance Bioenergy Crop Production
* Connected Communities Data Opportunity
* Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SOLWEB2)
* Fuel Cycle Research and Development to Assess Options as Technologies and Economics Evolve

Tribal Governments Funding Opportunities & Items of Interest [ #Tribal ]

* Federal Loan Guarantees for Tribal Energy Development Projects

Notice of Intent (NOI) [ #NoticeofIntent ]

* Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Formula Grants to States and Indian tribes -BIL § 40101(d)
* Sustainable Propane and Renewable Chemicals (SPARC) AND Maximizing Algal System Yield (MASY)

Request for Information (RFI) [ #RequestforInformation ]

* Defining Sustainable Maritime Fuels in the United States

Guidance on IRA Tax Credit Programs [ #taxes ]

* Notice 2024-84 *- *Extension of Transition Process for Claiming the Statutory Exceptions to the Elective Payment Phaseouts

Prizes/Awards [ #PrizesAwards ]

* Geothermal Heat Pumps PATHs Prize
* 2025 Renew America’s Schools Prize
* AlgaePrize 2025-2027 Competition

Webinars [ #webinars ]

* The Heating System Balancing Act: Heat Pumps and Beyond

Publications/Videos/Webpages [ #videos ]

* 2024 EERE Investment Snapshot
* How do Electric School Busses Perform in Cold Weather?
* Sustainable Aviation Fuel Blending and Logistics


*BIL Funding Opportunity Announcements (NOFO)*

* *Wind Turbine Technology Recycling – BIL 41007 (b)(2)*
* *Deadline: *February 11, 2025
* DE-FOA-0003373 [ [link removed] ]

The U.S. DOE’s Wind Energy Technologies Office has announced the Wind Turbine Technology Recycling Funding Opportunity, which will invest up to $20 million for projects to develop technology solutions that will improve the recycling of wind energy technologies.  

The NOFO objective is to accelerate the acceptance of recycling and reuse of wind energy materials. By increasing the utilization of recycled and reused materials, carbon emissions and other negative resource impacts related to new component manufacturing can be reduced or eliminated. Furthermore, the ability to continuously reuse materials domestically can reduce the dependence of the domestic clean energy economy on internationally sourced materials, including critical materials. There are three Topic Areas:

*Topic Area 1:* Enabling Sustainable Wind Turbine Components

*Topic Area 2:* Enabling Wind Turbine Material Recycling and Reuse Processes

*Topic Area 3:* Recycled and Recyclable Material Qualification


* *Point Source Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilots, Commercial Demonstrations, and Networked Demonstration Commercialization – BIL*
* DE-FOA-0003473 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadlines: *Concept Paper: March 1, 2025 | Application: July 1, 2025

U.S. DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations has opened applications for this NOFO which makes up to $1.3 billion available for approximately 11 projects at maximum Federal cost shares ranging from 50% to 80%, depending on the Topic Area and Phase of the project. The NOFO is divided into three Topic Areas based on the technology readiness level and scope of the proposed project. DOE will select projects that seek to demonstrate the following, based on the chosen Topic Area:

*Topic Area 1: *Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects

*Topic Area 2: *Carbon Capture Large-Scale Pilot Projects

*Topic Area 3: *Carbon Capture Demonstration Projects Program – Infrastructure Planning and Design


* *Carbon Capture Technology Program, Front-End Engineering and Design for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Transport – Fourth Release – BIL § 40303*
* DE-FOA-0002730 Mod. 4 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *February 12, 2025

U.S. DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy Carbon Management has announced it will make up to $48M available under the fourth opening of the $100 million, five-year Carbon Dioxide Transport, Front-End Engineering and Design funding opportunity. This effort funds FEED studies of regional-scale CO2 transport projects that can improve system scale and efficiency and strengthen connectivity between key CO2 sources to centralized locations for storage or conversion. CO2 captured from industrial and power generation facilities, as well as CO2 emissions captured directly from the atmosphere, may be transported by any mode of transport such as pipelines, rail, trucks, barges, or ships, including any combination of transport modes. 

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* *Carbon Dioxide Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (CIFIA) Program: Future Growth Grants - BIL § 40304*
* DE-FOA-0002966 Amd. 5 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadlines: *

*Review Period 1:* Letter of Interest: February 17, 2025 | Application: April 1, 2025

*Review Period 2:* Letter of Interest: May 15, 2025 | Application: July 1, 2025

*Review Period 3:* Letter of Interest: August 18, 2025 | Application: October 1, 2025

*Review Period 4: *Letter of Interest: November 18, 2025 | Application: January 2, 2026

U.S. DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management is allowing this FOA to remain open for approximately one year (see above deadlines). Review periods two through four are subject to availability of funds.

The objective of this FOA is to develop and construct large commercial scale carbon dioxide (CO2) transportation infrastructure. Projects funded by CIFIA Future Growth Grants (FGG) must be developed and constructed in conjunction with a yet-to-be built or converted for CO2 service stand-alone Base Project and provide uncontracted and expanded capacity to meet projected and probable future increases in demand for CO2 transportation by large-capacity, common carrier infrastructure. This expansion will be the subject of funding for CIFIA FGG and known as the Expanded Project. Funding can be utilized to construct CO2 transportation infrastructure using currently available and in use systems, including rail, ship, barge, pipeline, and truck freight. There are two Topic Areas:

*Area of Interest 1:* CIFIA FGG Project in conjunction with a Base Project funded by a LPO CIFIA Loan

*Area of Interest 2: *CIFIA FGG Project in conjunction with a Base Project that has secured funding

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*Other Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA/NOFO)*

* *Municipal Investment Fund*
* *Deadline:* March 3, 2025
* Request for Proposals One [ [link removed] ]

Local Governments for Sustainability USA along with the Coalition for Green Capital (CGC) are offering market-building funding and technical support to help cities, towns, counties, and Tribal Nations and their partner not-for-profit organizations to develop and finance clean energy projects and pursue CGC’s Municipal Investment Fund and CGC’s Open Solicitation [ [link removed] ], targeting projects that can accelerate clean power projects, create jobs, lower energy costs, and improve the quality of life.

This opportunity provides *technical assistance* and up to *$500,000 in funding* for up to 100 communities (target of two communities per state) for market-building activities necessary to develop and finance National Clean Investment Fund-qualified projects.

Cities, towns, counties, and Tribal Nations must have a population of fewer than 750,000 residents and designated as Low-Income and Disadvantaged Community (LIDAC) as defined by the White House Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool [ [link removed] ] or an equivalent definition under the U.S. EPA NCIF program [ [link removed] ].

* *

* *Renewable Integration Management with Innovative High Voltage Direct Current Power Circuit Breakers (REIMAGINE BREAKERS)*
* DE-FOA-0003396 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadlines: *Concept Paper: January 17, 2025 | Application: February 28, 2025

U.S. DOE’s Office of Electricity, and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office has announced this $8 million NOFO to support R&D that will standardize the technical specifications of high voltage direct current circuit breakers (HV DCCB) as well as advance existing HV DCCB designs for reduced cost and footprint. Topic Areas include:

*Topic Area 1:* Standardization of HVDC Power Circuit Breaker Technology

*Topic Area 2:* Innovative HV DCCB Designs


* *Regional Direct Air Capture Hubs – Recurring Program*
* [ 241217_DAC_Hubs_NOFO_v19_121824.pdf ]DE-FOA-0003442 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadlines: *Concept Paper: January 31, 2025 | Pre-application: January 31, 2025 | Application: July 31, 2025
* *Information Webinar: *January 13, 2025 | 1:00 PM CT | Register [ [link removed] ]

U.S. DOE’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations has opened applications for up to $1.8 billion in funding for the design, construction, and operation of mid- and large-scale commercial direct air capture (DAC) facilities and infrastructure access platforms. As part of the Regional DAC Hubs [ [link removed] ] program, this funding will help support an ecosystem of projects designed to provide DAC technology and project developers with support at various stages on their commercialization path and ultimately spur the growth of additional DAC Hubs. There is three Topic Areas for this NOFO.

*Topic Area 1: * Infrastructure Access Platforms

*Topic Area 2:  *Mid-Scale Commercial DAC Facilities

*Topic Area 3:  *Large-Scale Commercial DAC Facilities


* *High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain Innovative Technology *
* DE-FOA-0003487 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *February 26, 2025

U.S. DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy announced that up to $80 million is available through a new funding opportunity to spur advancements in the process to produce high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU). The funding will support industry partners developing innovative technologies and approaches to strengthen the HALEU supply chain in the United States. Topic Areas include:

*Topic Area 1:* Up to two Demonstration Project awards

*Topic Area 2: *Up to ten Research and Development Project awards

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* *Systems Biology Research to Advance Bioenergy Crop Production*
* DE-FOA-0003453 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadlines: *Pre-application: January 17, 2025 | Application: March 26, 2025

DOE’s Office of Science, under the Biological and Environmental Research (BER) program, is issuing a $75 million funding opportunity announcement for systems biology research to advance bioenergy crop production. The research requested by this opportunity will aim to identify molecular mechanisms underlying bioenergy feedstock productivity under varied and at times suboptimal environmental conditions and determine the roles microbes and microbial communities play in supporting plant productivity and vigor. This program addresses scientific challenges for resilient bioenergy crop production across geographic regions, and aides in understanding of microbiome function and plant-microbe interactions.


* *Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SOLWEB2)*
* [ [link removed](SolWEB2).pdf ]DE-FOA-0003492 [ DE-FOA-0003492_Solar_with_Wildlife_and_Ecosystem_Benefits_2_(SolWEB2).pdf ]
* *Deadlines: *Concept Papers: February 14, 2025 | Applications: May 2, 2025
* *Webinar: *January 9, 2025 | 2:00 PM CT |Register [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office has announced the Solar with Wildlife and Ecosystem Benefits 2 (SolWEB2) funding opportunity, which will award up to $11 million for research and development, technical assistance, and stakeholder engagement activities that improve the compatibility of large-scale solar (LSS) facilities with wildlife and facilitate the dual use of land for agricultural and solar energy production, also known as agrivoltaics. SolWEB2 projects will help stakeholders make informed decisions about solar energy by testing and implementing strategies that improve LSS siting processes and outcomes for wildlife, ecosystems, and communities that host LSS facilities and produce energy locally. There is two Topic Areas:

*Topic Area 1: *Wildlife-Solar Energy Research, Technical Assistance, and Stakeholder Engagement

*Topic Area 2: *Agrivoltaics Technical Assistance and Stakeholder Engagement

* *

* *Fuel Cycle Research and Development to Assess Options as Technologies and Economics Evolve*
* DE-FOA-0003364 - Part 1 [ [link removed] ]
* DE-FOA-0003364 - Part 2 [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *February 19, 2025

DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy has released this $10 million NOFO to support research and development activities to advance used nuclear fuel recycling technologies. The funding will encourage innovation and competitiveness of domestic used nuclear fuel recycling processes in the United States. Through this funding opportunity, DOE will continue to support early-stage research and development on used nuclear fuel recycling technologies that support long-term sustainability of nuclear waste management. 


*Tribal Governments Funding Opportunities & Items of Interest*

* *Federal Loan Guarantees for Tribal Energy Development Projects*
* Loan Guarantee Solicitation Announcement [ [link removed] ]
* General Information [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *August 31, 2028

DOE's Tribal energy financing is available to eligible Indian Tribes or entities for a broad range of projects and activities for the development of energy resources, products, and services that utilize commercial technology. DOE will evaluate applications in two phases. In Part I the project will be reviewed to determine eligibility and readiness to proceed. Part II will review the project to evaluate reasonable prospect of repayment. Eligible projects include (but not limited to):

~ Electricity generation, transmission and/or distribution facilities, utilizing renewable or conventional energy sources

~ Energy storage facilities, whether or not integrated with any of the above

~ Energy resource extraction, refining or processing facilities

~ Energy transportation facilities, including pipelines

~ District heating and cooling facilities

~ Cogeneration facilities

~ Distributed energy project portfolios, including portfolios of smaller distributed generation and storage facilities employed pursuant to a unified business plan

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*Notice of Intent (NOI)*

* *Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Formula Grants to States and Indian tribes -BIL § 40101(d)*
* DE-FOA-0003486 [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s Grid Deployment Office has published fiscal year 2025 grant allocation amounts [ [link removed](d)%2520FY25%2520Allocations_0.pdf%3Futm_medium=email%26utm_source=govdelivery/1/01010193d5b9e4b3-5a033888-8763-424e-9394-c00d964668c5-000000/ok6FRs-FNJ0xd_pPPEwMsiSFDA_z953FAd149W9bU0E=383 ] and released a Notice of Intent to open FY Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants application and allocation request period in February 2025. The application period will open with DOE issuing an amended Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) providing instructions for FY25 grant allocation requests.

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* *Sustainable Propane and Renewable Chemicals (SPARC) AND Maximizing Algal System Yield (MASY)*
* DE-FOA-0003518 AND DE-FOA-0003520 [ [link removed] ]
* Information [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy intends to issue, on behalf of the Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO), two Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs): 1. DE-FOA-0003518, entitled “Sustainable Propane and Renewable Chemicals (SPARC)”; and 2. DE-FOA-0003520, entitled “Maximizing Algal System Yield (MASY).”

The SPARC NOFO supports research and development of domestic chemicals and fuels from a variety of biomass and waste resources. Producing chemicals and propane/liquid petroleum gas (LPG) from renewable feedstocks helps to secure domestic supply chains, support rural economies, and improve sustainability in the industry. The NOFO may include the following Areas of Interest:

*Topic Area 1:* Bio-based Chemicals

*Topic Area 2:* Bio-based Propane/LPG

The MASY NOFO will support high-impact, applied R&D focused on algal system cultivation and preprocessing, with the goal of improving process economics for biofuels and/or bioproducts. The Topic Area for this NOFO is: Maximizing Algal System Yield.

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Request for Information (RFI)

* *Defining Sustainable Maritime Fuels in the United States*
* *Deadline: February 28, 2025*
* RFI: Defining Sustainable Maritime Fuels in the United States [ [link removed](RFI)_Defining_Sustainable_Maritime_Fuels_in_the_United_States.pdf ]

DOE has released this RFI to establish a consistent and reliable definition for sustainable maritime fuel (SMF) that informs and aligns community, industry, governments, and other maritime stakeholders. The Action Plan for Maritime Energy and Emissions Innovation [ [link removed] ] calls for the Federal government to define “Sustainable Maritime Fuel,” which is critical to evaluating and determining future SMF production volume goals in the Action Plan and alternative fuels that align with the U.S. 2050 net emission goals. The RFI also seeks specific feedback on other topics that could affect what qualifies as a SMF including minimum carbon intensity reductions, sustainability factors, criteria air pollutant inclusion, acceptable feedstocks, global requirements, and emission reduction technologies.

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Guidance on IRA Tax Credit Programs

* *Notice 2024-84 - **Extension of Transition Process for Claiming the Statutory Exceptions to the Elective Payment Phaseouts*
* N24-84 [ [link removed] ]

The Treasury Department and IRS have extended the eligibility for statutory exceptions to elective payment phaseouts*. *These changes align with Inflation Reduction Act goals, encouraging renewable energy expansion and enhancing grid resilience with energy storage integration. The changes provide developers additional time to meet qualifying criteria, making projects eligible for extended tax benefits, and reducing financial risk.

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* *Geothermal Heat Pumps PATHs Prize*
* Information & Guidelines [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *February 12, 2025

DOE’s American-Made Partnerships to Accelerate Training & Hiring for Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP PATHs) Prize is a $3 million-dollar prize competition designed to hire, certify, and train the current and next generation of geothermal heat pump workers. Competitors leverage the American-Made Network of more than 475 organizations, including world-class experts at the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 national labs, clean tech accelerators, incubators, universities, facilities, and more.

GHP PATHs Prize competitors participate in three contests – Connect, Engage, and Execute – to transform their ideas into reality in months, rather than years. Competitors have a chance to win part of $3 million to help them advance in the competition and accelerate the development of their solutions.


* *2025 Renew America’s Schools Prize*
* Information & Guidelines [ [link removed] ]
* *Deadline: *April 3, 2025

DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs has opened applications for the 2025 Renew America’s Schools Prize. This initiative will invest $90 million in school districts around the country engaging in strategic partnerships to build capacity and implement energy upgrades in their schools. Funding is available for various energy improvements, including HVAC systems, building envelope enhancements, lighting upgrades, renewable energy technologies, alternative energy-fueled vehicles, infrastructure, and more.  

During Phase 1, teams will identify a portfolio of school facilities demonstrating both need and eligibility for energy improvements. Up to 14 Phase 1 Winners will earn a cash prize of $300,000 for successfully building teams and submitting compelling applications identifying need. DOE will identify winners who may move on to Phases 2 and 3, wherein they will enter and execute a Cooperative Agreement [ [link removed] ] with DOE. Awards made in Phases 2 and 3 will vary by portfolio size but could range from $7.5 million to $15 million. 

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* *AlgaePrize 2025-2027 Competition*
* Information & Guidelines [ [link removed] ]
* *Registration: *April 1 to September 12, 2025
* *Research Synopses Due: *November 3, 2025

The AlgaePrize 2025-2027 Competition, sponsored by DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office, challenges students to develop novel solutions to production, processing, and new product development, which will help lower the costs of producing algal biofuels and bioproducts.

Student teams will compete for a total of $250,000 in prize awards and national recognition, while shaping the global future of converting algae to biofuels (e.g., sustainable marine and aviation fuels), vitamin- and protein-rich foods and animal feeds, ecological services, and industrial compounds (e.g., biopolymers). The three areas of interest for the AlgaePrize include both microalgae and macroalgae.

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* *The Heating System Balancing Act: Heat Pumps and Beyond*
* January 7, 2025 | 10:00 AM CT | Register [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s Better Buildings brings an opportunity to learn about successes, challenges, and cost-effective pathways for meeting energy efficiency goals with heat pumps. This webinar explores effective strategies for implementing heat pumps across portfolios, examining the business case for installation and how to balance building load with equipment choices to optimize both costs and benefits.

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* *2024 EERE Investment Snapshot*
* Download the Snapshot [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy has released the 2024 EERE Investment Snapshot, an expansive summary of the scientific, technical, and economic achievements facilitated by EERE funding in recent years. The 60-page document features data, case studies, and success stories from every program in the EERE portfolio. The Investment Snapshot features nearly 2,000 active EERE awards across the United States, highlighting the tangible benefits of energy advancements felt by ordinary Americans.

* *

* *How do Electric School Busses Perform in Cold Weather?*
* Download the White Paper [ [link removed] ]

This white paper from Highland Electric delves into the performance of electric school buses in cold weather conditions, addressing common concerns and misconceptions. By examining case studies from Vermont and Michigan, the paper highlights the reliability and efficiency of electric school buses, even in extreme temperatures.


* *Sustainable Aviation Fuel Blending and Logistics*
* Download the Report [ [link removed] ]

DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, with support from the Bioenergy Technologies Office have recently released the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Blending and Logistics report. The report offers information and recommendations for effective petroleum jet fuel (Jet A) and sustainable aviation fuel [ [link removed] ] (SAF) quality standards, transportation and supply chain movements, and blending methods. Notably, researchers determined that SAF can be mixed with Jet A at existing terminals (already equipped with blending equipment, software, and staff) and delivered directly to airports—resulting in increased efficiency across the SAF supply chain.

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Energy-specific funding opportunities, Commerce is here for you

The *Minnesota Department of Commerce *seeks to work with and facilitate connections with local and Tribal governments, utilities, businesses, communities and other entities interested in energy-related partnerships. The opportunities outlined here are funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and other state and federal energy programs. Stay updated by clicking *subscribe *below and e-mail us at [email protected].

*Subscribe* [ [link removed] ]

*Minnesota Department of Commerce | Energy Division
*85 7th Place East, Suite 280 | St. Paul, MN 55101*
*Email: [email protected]
Local: 651-539-1886 | Greater MN: 1-800-657-3710

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