Ask your MP to back the CAN Bill.
The Green Party - for real hope, and real change.



It's a New Year and we've a brilliant opportunity to push this Government to be bolder on the climate and nature emergency.


On 24 January, the Climate and Nature Bill, a private member’s bill proposed by (Lib Dem MP) Roz Savage, and which I’m co-sponsoring, has its second reading in the House of Commons.


We’re aiming for 150+ MPs to be in Parliament for this moment. Can you help by making sure that your MP attends?


The CAN Bill, first introduced by Caroline Lucas (as the Climate Ecology Bill) in 2019, sets out a legally-binding plan for the UK to tackle the interconnected nature and climate crises, comprehensively, democratically, and in line with the most up-to-date science.


It now has cross-party support from hundreds of MPs and Peers, motivated by the knowledge that the UK is currently way off track and that we need a credible, joined up approach to accelerate action in this pivotal decade.

Carla Denyer standing in front of Westminster with a poster that says 'Let's back the climate and nature bill'.

Mayor Sadiq Khan has come out in support of the Bill, after it was championed by our Deputy leader and London Assembly member, Zack Polanski, and hundreds of councils up and down the country are also backing the Bill.


But it’s not yet clear whether there will be enough support from MPs during the crucial parliamentary debate and vote later this month. That's why I’m asking you to help by writing to your MP, calling on them to back the Bill, and to attend on 24 January so the Bill can progress through Parliament.


Please help make a difference by clicking here and sending an email to your MP.


I’m proud to be backing the CAN Bill. The Green Party has played a key role getting the legislation this far, and I know that - together - we can get it over the line.


Please email your MP and ask them to be in the House of Commons to vote for the CAN Bill on 24 January. Yes, we can!

Thanks so much for your support.

Carla Denyer signature.

Carla Denyer

Green Party Co-leader and MP


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ