We made some big updates.
Friend –
At the end of 2024, we finished a big project that the ACLU of Alaska's Prison Project has been working on for months – an updated Prisoner Rights Guide.
Previously, the Prisoner Rights Guide was out-of-date and over 300 pages, which isn't the most effective way to communicate with incarcerated Alaskans.
Thanks to funding from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, the Prisoner Rights Guide is now consolidated and broken down into smaller issue areas, including grievances and medical grievances, religious freedoms, transgender rights, and voting rights. Check out the guides on our website. <[link removed]>
These guides have been sent to Alaska prison and jail institutions, but you can also print off copies and send them to your loved ones and friends who are incarcerated to ensure they get the guides.
Our work isn't done. We'll be adding more civil rights issue areas to these guides in 2025 and translating them into Central Yup'ik, Russian, Tagalog, Spanish, Samoan, Korean, and Hmong to ensure that our diverse incarcerated population all has access to important civil rights information.
Thanks again for supporting our work to make Alaska's criminal legal system more fair and just.
In solidarity,
Megan Edge
Pronouns: She, her, hers
Alaska Prison Project Director, ACLU of Alaska
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