Corporate power and decades of bad government policies have evaporated family farms and since 1981, over 500,000 small and family farming operations have been gobbled up by corporate giants.

We’ve got to talk about our food chain, John.

We know our food doesn’t just magically appear in the grocery store — our plates and refrigerators are full thanks to the farmers and ranchers across the nation, many of whom are small businesses and family farms that have been passed down for generations.

But frankly, they’re getting screwed.

The food system in this country is broken — putting corporate profits over healthy communities. These massive and consolidated corporations have no interest in supporting the folks who actually grow and produce our food.

Corporate power and decades of bad government policies have evaporated family farms and since 1981, over 500,000 small and family farming operations have been gobbled up by corporate giants.

And despite a record year of commodity increases at the grocery store, small farms reported negative income, and make most of their income from off-farm jobs. It’s unfair to ask our farmers to grow our food, feed our families and communities, and then work a second job to make ends meet.

Everyone deserves a livable wage, John. Will you add your name to support reforming our food system to support farmers and our communities NOT mega-corporations?


By enforcing anti-trust policies and passing legislation that supports family farms, we can loosen the grip these corporations have on Washington. As my friend, farmer, and former Senator from Montana, Jon Tester put it, “There’s not enough profit in agriculture because [farmers] are not getting a fair price for our products when we’re selling them, and they cost too much when we’re buying them.”

We have to take action to resolve this, John. And that starts with policies that prioritize small businesses, family farms, and the well-being of our communities over the profits of corporations.

So please, add your name right now to support reforms to our broken food system.


Thanks for your support, John.

With love and gratitude,
