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We’re facing our first fundraising deadline of the year, a crucial test of our team's strength. Our goal is to bring 100 grassroots supporters like you on board by Wednesday. Click the button below if you’re ready to pitch in right now DONATE [[link removed]]If you’re not ready to add your support, is there anything we can say to get you to be the FIRST to chip in?
What if we told you Republicans have a historically slim majority in Congress? We must stick together to halt🫸🏾their harmful agenda. Your support is critical to strengthening our community and stopping their plans. Can you be the first to contribute? [[link removed]]
What if we told you Lauren is ready to expand on her track record of passing 18 vital pieces of legislation? With your help, we can make more progress working families👪depend on in our district and beyond. Are you willing to stand with us today? [[link removed]]
What if we told you this fight is about more than just politics — it's about preserving IL-14 and the nation's future, from expanding health care access🩺to protecting our fundamental rights💪🏽. You have the power to make a difference. [[link removed]]
John, you're vital to reaching this goal. Can you donate now to ensure Lauren has the resources to continue championing our values?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
DONATE $10 NOW [[link removed]]
DONATE $25 NOW [[link removed]]
DONATE $50 NOW [[link removed]]
DONATE $100 NOW [[link removed]]
DONATE $250 NOW [[link removed]]
ANOTHER AMOUNT [[link removed]]Thank you.
— Team Underwood
Lauren Underwood for Congress
13400 S. Route 59
Suite 116 Box 248
Plainfield, IL 60585
United States
www.underwoodforcongress.com [[link removed]] |
[email protected] [
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