Today is the first day of our official 2025 EMILYs List Membership Drive!
Donate now to activate your 2025 membership, get your own personalized membership card in the mail, and help elect Democratic pro-choice women up and down the ballot this year and beyond:
There's no such thing as a political "off year" here at EMILYs List – because the fight for our fundamental freedoms never takes a year off.
That means that by donating today and securing your 2025 EMILYs List membership, you're in on the ground floor for a busy year of recruitment, endorsement, andvictories! (That's right, there are EMILYs List women on the ballot as soon as April 1 this year, so your donation will go STRAIGHT to work electing pro-choice champions!) Plus, you'll get a beautiful personalized membership card in the mail if you give today.