Beginning with rent paid in 2024, renters now claim a credit on Schedule M1RENT of Form M1 instead of filing Form M1PR. Benefits for renters include:
- Receive their rent credit earlier in the year
- Do not have to file a separate return
- Non-taxable income is not added into household income
- Business use of their home is not factored into rent credit calculation
- Have longer than two years to file for Renter’s Credit
Talk to Your Clients
Talk with your clients to help them better understand their Renter’s Credit is now part of their individual income tax refund and not a separate refund later in the year. We attached a note you can include with a copy of your client’s tax return to help you explain when they will receive their Rent’s Credit. We also have other resources to help you communicate this change to your clients.
Rent Paid Affidavit
If your client cannot get a CRP from their property owner or managing agent, they can call us to request a Rent Paid Affidavit (RPA) beginning February 1, 2025. If your software allows attachments, you can attach the RPA to Form M1 before electronically filing the return. If your software does not allow attachments, you must file on paper and include the appropriate schedules.
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