Hi John,
At Tuesday's 350 Milwaukee meeting you have a chance to 
share your thoughts on five lessons (read the Gina McCarthy link) we've learned from the pandemic and how they apply to the climate crisis.

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, June 9, 7 - 8:30pm

First Unitarian Society (Ogden & Astor)
Zoom Virtual Meeting

Valuable lessons form COVID-19 Pandemic
To Apply to the Climate Crisis


  1. Science IS important
  2. Humans have a major impact on the world
  3. People of color and low income communities bear the brunt of pollution, climate change and public health crisis and this must stop!
  4. People can and will change their behavior when it is in their own self interest
  5. A functioning, rational government is essential to effectively address a crisis. We can learn from this and find hope in this.
  6. Big solution:  Economic recovery  based on clean energy, reducing pollution and CO2  and create jobs.

There will be a 3 - 4 minute overview of each point followed by 8 - 10 minutes of discussion - please limit your comments to a minute.

The points are inspired by the essay:

Planning for my grandkids’ future
By  on May 28, 2020, Grist


The handling of this virus has taught us five valuable lessons. First, science is important. Second, humans have a major impact on the world — and people are now seeing how quickly our air and water can bounce back if given the chance. Third, people of color and low-income communities can’t keep bearing the brunt of pollution and other threats to public health. Fourth, people can and will change their behavior when they know it’s in their best interest. And fifth, a functioning government is essential to effectively addressing a crisis.

-- Gina McCarthy, president and chief executive officer of NRDC and 13th administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

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    Click the link under Join Zoom Meeting
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  • You can join the meeting by phone, but the experience is much better on a computer, tablet, or smartphone

Some ground rules for the meeting:

  • The meeting host will keep attendees muted and unmute people when appropriate 
  • During the meeting use the chat box to ask questions or make comments
    • There will be a facilitator and the chat stream is monitored


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