Dear John, please sign a petition!
Brazil: End the Amazon apocalypse!
"My name is Gabriel, I am a lawyer and I live in Rio Branco, in the heart of the Amazon. I am here because we need to ask all levels of Government in Brazil to mobilise and help us put an end to the burning of the Amazon rainforest!"
Here are links to three petitions (there are more) to end the burning.
Would you please choose one and sign it?
Need convincing?
Join us today for
Stand for a Livable Climate
Friday August 23, 2019, and following Fridays
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Start at:
Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
12:00 - 12:45pm
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.
Protest the bank's mega-loans to fossil fuel companies
We'll have signs and banners, but feel free to bring your own
Then at 12:45 we'll march to City Hall to:
Support the Student Climate Protest
12:45 - 1:30pm
Milwaukee City Hall
The students are demonstrating every Friday