As I talk with folks across the state, I’m asked a version of the same question nearly every day: How will you make sure your actions in the Senate reflect North Carolinians’ priorities?
John, for the past six years, Thom Tillis has chosen to prioritize the interests of corporations over his constituents. He went to Washington and hasn’t looked back — at the expense of those at home.
I come from a different school of thought. I’ve lived in North Carolina my whole life. To be a voice for all 10.5 million who call this state home, I know that communication is key. That’s why the relationships I have with my neighbors and communities across the state run deep — and unlike Senator Tillis, I intend to keep today’s conversations going long after Election Day.
But to win this race, I’ll need your help. Our end-of-month fundraising deadline is approaching quickly, which means we’re working to hit goals critical to our campaign’s success. Will you consider making a contribution today?
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Connecting with North Carolinians will always be my top priority. Growing up, my Aunt Sis — a teacher — taught me that a good listener is a good leader. This is a belief that’s close to my heart, and as your Senator, I promise to live by this value and listen to you: the people I’ll be honored to serve.
We’re at an all hands on deck moment, as Tillis’ corporate backers spend millions to protect his Senate seat. But I think our politics should be driven by the folks in the voting booths, not corporations trying to influence our elections — which is why I’m not accepting contributions from corporate PACs. My goal will always be representing the people of North Carolina, and that starts with how we power this campaign.
So if you can, I hope you’ll consider pitching in to support our campaign today. As July turns to August, keeping up our momentum is pivotal, and I’m counting on folks like you to join us as we fight to strengthen our state.
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