John, 2020 is gearing up to be the most important election of our lifetime.
The combined impacts of COVID-19, the continued assault on Black lives, a crumbling economy with millions out of work and in danger of losing their homes, a broken healthcare system and deadly climate impacts from flooding to wildfires are ravaging our communities. Our movement has been calling attention to these crises for years, and now they’re colliding right into each other.
We need to show candidates that representing us means tackling the compounding crises we face. It’s a big job, but that’s what they signed up for. We need our elected officials to commit to a Just Recovery now.
That’s why we are launching the Just Recovery Pledge.
If we can pressure hundreds of candidates at all levels of government to sign the Just Recovery Pledge, then we can build momentum for recovery bills that actually address the challenges we face - instead of using COVID-19 as an excuse to pour more money into corporate pockets.
Will you help us get the pledge to candidates in your area?
Together, we can show that communities will not rest until our politicians take responsibility and help this country heal from the ongoing impacts of climate change and COVID-19. From now until the elections in November we will demand that every candidate sign the Just Recovery Pledge.
It only takes five minutes. Click on the Just Recovery Pledge, scroll down to Social Media Toolkits, select Activist Toolkit, and send a message to your candidates asking them to pledge to support a Just Recovery.
Over the next few weeks, we will be rolling out weekly actions to keep the pressure on our candidates. Let’s do this.
Until we win,