From 350 Milwaukee <[email protected]>
Subject 350 MKE Meeting - We Energies and the Community during Pandemic
Date September 3, 2020 5:16 PM
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Bay Area Earth Guardians Crew and Youth vs Apocalypse,  VOTE VOTE VOTE - Resources

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Dear John, one of our members received this from the WAVE Educational Fund and we feel it is worth passing on! [edited for past primary]

We, as Wisconsinites and residents of the United States of America, face many massive crises right now. Among others, they include the COVID-19 pandemic; severe economic hardship; the lack of adequate, affordable healthcare; the climate crisis; structural racism and police brutality; and an epidemic of gun violence, including suicides, domestic violence, and homicides. On November 3, 2020, we must vote to elect officials who can help us overcome these crises and help foster safe, healthy, thriving communities.

The first essential step is to register to vote ([link removed]) . Even if you believe you are registered to vote, check your registration status ([link removed]) to ensure that it reflects your current address and that elections officials have not erroneously removed you from the Wisconsin Voter Roll. October 14, 2020, is the last day to register to vote online or by mail for the November 3 Election.
>>Register to vote (or check your registration status) here: ([link removed]) [link removed] ([link removed]) .


P.S. If you need any help with the voter registration process, please email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) . If you would like more information about voter registration or absentee voting in 2020, please visit our website: [link removed] ([link removed]) .

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom Virtual Meeting
(Meeting link will be in Sunday's email)

We Energies in the Community
Our speaker is from North Side Rising ([link removed])

Some of the hot topics during the pandemic we'll hear about are:
Utility disconnections moratorium and home evictions.
We Energies - What's the deal on the $600 reconnection fee?
Arrears forgiveness

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Citizen Action of Wisconsin

Pass the word not “Waste Full Emissions!” Green Jobs! Green Homes! Green Communities! Green Earth! The Green New Deal WILL create Green Jobs on the North Side of Milwaukee!!

Join us and bring ideas!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Watch next email for link

Meeting ID:
One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82323549501# US (Chicago)


Do you still have an account(s) or credit cards with Chase, Wells Fargo, Capital One, BMO, etc.? Take a look at this short video - even if you're not at these banks.

Divest - four minute video ([link removed]) , recommended by Bill McKibben

An animation about divesting from fossil fuels with drawings and narration by youth from Bay Area Earth Guardians ([link removed]) Crew and Youth vs Apocalypse.

What is divestment? It's when a person or organization takes money OUT of certain types of banks, companies and funds. Divestment can take power away from industries that are causing really big harm. Divestment frees up money to be INVESTED in solutions, like green jobs.


2020 Wisconsin Elections

General Election: Tuesday, November 3, 2020

If you haven't already, [link removed] your MAIL-IN (absentee) ballot for the 2020 election!

You can also [link removed] to vote and update your voter profile on the site.

Because you are on our mailing list we assume you have more than a casual interest in global heating and its impact on our future. You understand the importance of voting this year. Here are some resources to shorten your search for candidate information.

​The sample ballots for the November 3 election should be available just after mid-September (about 47 days before Election Day).

[link removed] ([link removed]) - Wisconsin government site with tabs for six key voting functions
[link removed] ([link removed]) - The tab for requesting absentee ballots

See a sample ballot for your address at:
* [link removed] ([link removed])
* ballotpedia ([link removed])


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