Dear John,
Our speaker this month is Dana Kelley, North Side Rising (NSR) Lead Organizer (among many positions she occupies in the Milwaukee community).  "Citizen Action’s North Side Rising organized a rally that called for federal action to provide financial assistance to institutions and individuals still struggling in Milwaukee during the pandemic" and marched to We Energies headquarters in downtown Milwaukee demanding justice and mercy during this pandemic to “keep the lights on!”

Join us this Tuesday!

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, September 8, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

We Energies in the Milwaukee Community
Dana Kelley North Side Rising

Some of the hot topics during the pandemic we'll hear about are:
Utility disconnections moratorium
Home evictions

We Energies - What's the deal on the $600 reconnection fee?
Arrears forgiveness

Citizen Action of Wisconsin

Pass the word not “Waste Full Emissions!” Green Jobs! Green Homes! Green Communities! Green Earth! The Green New Deal WILL create Green Jobs on the North Side of Milwaukee!!

Join us and bring ideas!


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
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Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
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What can you do to fight the climate crisis?

Individual acts alone won’t stop the climate crisis, but there are things we can do. We asked experts what they do in their daily lives to make a difference

How to decarbonize America — and create 25 million jobs

The US has the technology to decarbonize by 2035. Here’s a plan to do it.

2020 Wisconsin Elections

General Election: Tuesday, November 3, 2020

If you haven't already, request your MAIL-IN (absentee) ballot for the 2020 election!

You can also register to vote and update your voter profile on the site.

Because you are on our mailing list we assume you have more than a casual interest in global heating and its impact on our future.  You understand the importance of voting this year. Here are some resources to shorten your search for candidate information.  

The sample ballots for the November 3 election should be available just after mid-September (about 47 days before Election Day). - Wisconsin government site with tabs for six key voting functions - The tab for requesting absentee ballots

See a sample ballot for your address at:

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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