Hello John,

When on Election Day last month - yes, that Election Day - we heard or read the transcript of WEC's Q3 2020 Earnings Call, there was a sense (temporarily) of celebration.  Learning that WEC will be upping their investments in renewable projects and shutting down four coal fired turbines in Oak Creek within four years raised our hope for the future.

350 Milwaukee connected with Kevin Fletcher, WEC President and CEO, soon after to let him know we found the new developments very encouraging and invited WEC to address our December meeting.

Join us this Tuesday at 7pm when two representatives from WEC will address our December meeting followed by Q&A.

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, December 8, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Our guest speakers from
WEC (We Energies) will be

Richard Stasik
(Director State Regulatory Affairs)


Tanya Holler Muench
(Director Corporate Communications)


We've asked them to talk about:

  • WEC's transition to 100% renewable energy
  • The impacts of the closure of Oak Creek
  • The impact on consumers
  • Future closure of all WEC fossil fuel plants


Time: Tuesday, December  8, 7 - 8:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
One tap mobile
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Dial by your location 
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)  
Meeting ID: 812 5630 0336
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kQi9zTv9e

Then the next day
Wednesday, December 9, 7pm CST


(From Tara Houska)
This fight is especially personal to me. As a member of the Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe, this massive tar sands pipeline would bulldoze through Anishinaabe territory, violating treaty rights and endangering fresh water. I’ve been part of a seven-year long Indigenous-led coalition to #StopLine3, and we won’t stop now.

Line 3 is on the same scale as Keystone XL and Dakota Access. Not only does Line 3 violate Indigenous rights, the pipeline would be a 10% expansion of tar sands. In total, the pollution this pipeline would carry is equal to about 50 coal power plants.1

Minnesotans submitted 68,000 public comments against Line 3, we’ve marched in the streets, attended the hearings and engaged in every step of the process. Despite Minnesota’s own Department of Commerce suing the Public Utility Commission for approving this project, the bulldozers are here to plow through our sacred wild rice watersheds, over 800 wetlands, and 200+ water bodies in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. The drones are overhead and the police are militarizing.

Climate science and treaty rights clearly show that this pipeline would harm sacred sites and push our climate further into crisis. On the call, you’ll get the latest news from Minnesota on-the-ground leaders, frontline defenders, statewide organizers, and finance campaigners.

RSVP now to learn about ways that you can take action to protect the water, land, and the people working to #StopLine3.

Together I know we can win.

Tara Houska (Couchiching First Nation) 
Founder, Giniw Collective


1 - The Guardian
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