"We have this awesome power and responsibility because we are the last stewards of humanity's nearly exhausted carbon budget. We don't have time to wait for someone else."  Kimberly Nicholas, Ph.D.

  1. March Meeting - resources follow-up from John Peck
  2. ClimateAdam - Planet Hack - Food
  3. Request that you take another action for Fair Maps
  4. April Meeting - 2021 State of the planet
  5. Line 3 is still an issue
350 Milwaukee

Our March Meeting

featured John E. Peck Executive Director, Family Farm Defenders talking about Regenerative Agriculture and its impacts on Healthy Soil & CO2 Balance.  His talk was followed by a Q&A period with many questions asked and answered.  A couple of days later John sent this:

"Since many folks were asking on the call and afterwards for some more soil carbon resource links, here are a few to pass along. ...   Thanks for hosting such a lively conversation!"
Best - John

Here are a few more ideas to follow-up on Regenerative Farming:

  • Watch the "wonderful film, called Kiss the Ground, which talks about many ways to reduce carbon, most importantly, regenerative agriculture. It's available on Netflix, Vimeo for $1, or there's a free 45-minute educational version. Highly recommended…” - Terry
  • If you are looking for local sources for food grown using regenerative agriculture, here's an Interactive Map from Regeneration International to help you find the farms you're looking for.
  • Regenerative Agriculture - Definitions, discussions, analysis of its potential, and gorgeous pictures!
  • A search for grass fed meat Milwaukee (includes pork & free range chicken)
Get global warming under control on your planet by changing the food you put on it!
Fair Maps - Help End Wisconsin Gerrymandering

From Carlene at Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition:

Now is the time for community mapping & making our voices heard on the state budget.
Read this month's newsletter to find out what community mapping is and why we're doing it, what's at stake in the state budget and more.

Check out the articles and opportunities here: http://bit.ly/FMCnews3

Please share widely. It's time for fair maps!

You can't contact your representatives too many times!

Click the map below and enter your address at the upper right corner.  Click on the email link or call their phone number in the pop-up.

Write or call and ask your representatives to support Fair Maps.
Especially if they don't support fair maps!
Letting them know they're doing a good job is important too!

Video of our February Meeting on WI Gerrymandering with
Matt Rothschild
Representative Robyn Vining

Full meeting
7 minute clip on the Redistricting Timeline

More resources available on the 350MKE Site

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Meeting

Another Road to Doomsday: Planetary Biocide
2021 State of the Planet

George Stone Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Natural Science MATC

Dr. Stone's talk will have a "special emphasis on decreasing biodiversity and rising extinction rates, and on the increasing probabilities of pandemics."

WE HAVE repeatedly been pressing the snooze button on the issue, but covid-19 has provided perhaps the final wake-up call. “2021 must be the year to reconcile humanity with nature,” said António Guterres, the UN secretary general, in an address to the One Planet Summit of global leaders in Paris last month. “Until now, we have been destroying our planet. We have been abusing it as if we have a spare one.”
Read more at:  New Scientist

Time: Tuesday, April 9, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom info to follow

Stop Line 3 petition

First time in our newsletter we wrote "Over 241,800 signatures already!"
Second time: 243,986.
As of today 246,873

If you've signed - Thank you!

If you haven't already, please sign today

What is the Line 3 tar sands pipeline? - 350.org

Line 3 is a massive pipeline underway in northern Minnesota that violates Indigenous rights and it would carry pollution equivalent to 50 coal power plants.

The bulldozers have arrived to plow through sacred wild rice watersheds, over 800 wetlands, and 200+ bodies of water. Indigenous water protectors are fighting to protect their land, but the drones are overhead and the police are militarizing.

President Biden has the power to stop this project. He can review the permits granted by Trump and halt Line 3 construction immediately.

This will be the first climate test for his administration and we are making it clear that the Line 3 pipeline must be stopped.

sign our petition calling on Joe Biden to #StopLine3 immediately and invoke a climate test for all pipelines.

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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