Back on the streets - Fridays For Future
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How is it possible that the most intellectual creature to ever walk the planet Earth is destroying its only home? – Jane Goodall
1. April 13 Meeting - 2021 State of the planet
2. UN Extinction Report - 3 1/2 minute video
3. Friday, April 9, 12-1pm Fridays for Future - Wisconsin & Water
4. Have you ever wondered how you can help a disadvantaged person?
5. Enbridge Line 3 - keeping it on the front burner (pun intended)
6. March Meeting Followup - Resources for Eating More Sustainably ([link removed])
350 Milwaukee
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom Meeting ([link removed])
Another Road to Doomsday: Planetary Biocide
2021 State of the Planet
George Stone Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Natural Science, MATC
Dr. Stone's talk will have a "special emphasis on decreasing biodiversity and rising extinction rates, and on the increasing probabilities of pandemics."
Nairobi, 18 February 2021 – The world can transform its relationship with nature and tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution crises together to secure a sustainable future and prevent future pandemics, according to a new report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) that offers a comprehensive blueprint for addressing our triple planetary emergency.
The report, Making Peace with Nature ([link removed]) , lays out the gravity of these three environmental crises by drawing on global assessments, including ... new findings on the emergence of zoonotic diseases ([link removed]) such as COVID-19.
Time: Tuesday, April 9, 7 - 8:30pm
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Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
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Million animals, plants at risk of extinction due to human activities, U.N. report says
Friday's for Future
Friday, April 9, 2021 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Chase and Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave & Water St
** From Pam Richard:
* Wells Fargo has the third most fossil fuel investments of all banks in the world, and is a lead financier of the tar sands industry.
* Add your voice to the growing demand to banks like Chase, Citi, Bank of America and TD Bank to STOP financing Line 3.
* Send a direct email to CEOs now to demand that they stop funding the toxic Line 3 pipeline. Your email will go directly to the inboxes of CEOs, executives, and Board members of the banks funding Line 3.
+ [link removed] ([link removed])
* Send a letter to President Joe Biden (goes to the White House directly) asking him to #StopLine3 ([link removed]) .
* You can share your own story why Biden needs to Stop Line 3 now securely and safely.
+ [link removed] ([link removed])
We appreciate your support.
Together we will Stop Line 3
Milwaukee 'Pay It Forward' Campaign
Help Us Redistribute Stimulus Payments to Those in Need
We’re bringing attention to the number of people who are “[link removed] it forward” by redistributing their stimulus funds to important causes.
As part of this effort, we are raising money to support the Milwaukee Rental Housing Resource Center. Whether you received a stimulus check or not, every donation makes a difference!
Spread the Word! ([link removed])
This is a grassroots campaign, driven by a shared desire for stimulus funds to reach those who need them most. Whether you can afford to donate or not, help us reach more people and expand our impact!
Tax Deductible 501(c)3 organization. ([link removed])
Donate Now ([link removed])
Stop Line 3 petition ([link removed])
Read Enbridge Fort Atkinson, WI petroleum spill ([link removed])
That's like SE Wisconsin's backyard!
That March 29. 2021 Journal/Sentinal article is titled "'I can't trust them anymore': Residents of Fort Atkinson shocked that 2019 petroleum spill by Enbridge went unreported for over a year".
Yes, that's the same Enbridge trying to build the Line 3 Tar Sands pipeline!
That's TAR SANDS OIL ([link removed]) , the world's most polluting oil!
If you haven't already, sign ([link removed]) the petition today
Then scroll back up and use some of Pam Richard's links
Line 3 is a massive pipeline underway in northern Minnesota that violates Indigenous rights and it would carry pollution equivalent to 50 coal power plants.
The bulldozers have arrived to plow through sacred wild rice watersheds, over 800 wetlands, and 200+ bodies of water. Indigenous water protectors are fighting to protect their land, but the drones are overhead and the police are militarizing.
President Biden has the power to stop this project. He can review the permits granted by Trump and halt Line 3 construction immediately.
This will be the first climate test for his administration and we are making it clear that the Line 3 pipeline must be stopped.
sign the petition ([link removed]) calling on Joe Biden to #StopLine3 immediately and invoke a climate test for all pipelines.
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