May 11 - Next 350 Milwaukee meeting!
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“Most people don’t really see plants or understand plants or what they give us, so my act of reciprocity is, having been shown plants as gifts, as intelligences other than our own, as these amazing, creative beings – good lord, they can photosynthesise, that still blows my mind!" - Robin Wall Kimmerer ([link removed])
1. Join us this Friday, 12-1pm: 350MKE Fridays for Future
2. Fire Drill Fridays - Mother's Day Rally
3. Keep It in the Ground Act of 2021, are you willing to back it?[link removed]
4. May 11 350MKE Meeting with Gwen Moore and Robert Montgomery
5. Dr Adam Levy ([link removed]) - Should we fight Climate Change or adapt?
6. Links:
1. Fair Maps ([link removed]) - 1 click email, will you hear back?[link removed]
2. Can you afford to pay it forward ([link removed]) ?
3. March Meeting Follow-up - Eating More Sustainably ([link removed])
4. Stop Enbridge Line 3 ([link removed])
350 Milwaukee
350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, May 7, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Chase and Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave & Water St
We've got the signs, just show up!
The world’s biggest 60 banks have provided $3.8tn of financing for fossil fuel companies since the Paris climate deal in 2015, according to a report by a coalition of NGOs.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic cutting energy use, overall funding remains on an upward trend and the finance provided in 2020 was higher than in 2016 or 2017, a fact the report ([link removed]) ’s authors and others described as “shocking”. The Guardian, March 24, 2021 ([link removed])
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Fire Drill Fridays
Friday, May 5, 1:00 PM CDT / 11:00 AM PST
Robin Wall Kimmerer is a mother, scientist, decorated professor, and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. She is the author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, which has earned Kimmerer wide acclaim.
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RSVP ([link removed])
Keep It in the Ground Act of 2021
Keep It in the Ground Act ([link removed]) stops new drilling leases to prevent the climate crisis from spiraling further out of control
"For decades, the federal government has allowed the fossil fuel industry to drill on public lands.
Today, we can stop the expansion of fossil fuel drilling on public lands by passing the Keep It in the Ground Act of 2021 introduced by the U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Congressmember Jared Huffman."
[Part of message from:]
Natalie Mebane
Associate Director of Policy ([link removed])
This is an easy action! Tap the button below, enter 3 fields, tap another button and your message will be sent to your two US senators and your representative.
You'll have taken an ACTION for the CLIMATE!
Tell your reps to co-sponsor the Keep It in the Ground Act ([link removed])
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, May 11, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom Meeting ([link removed])
Biden’s first 100 days:
What has he done on Climate Change?
Congresswoman Gwen Moore
Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District
Member of the House Ways and Means Committee ([link removed])
Member of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee ([link removed])
“Climate change is an issue we must address now through meaningful policies. This important report details sweeping actions and legislation our country needs, including legislation that I have introduced. Rather than running away from the challenges posed by combatting climate change, as this Administration [Trump] has done, this report reaffirms that the federal government must lead both domestically and internationally to achieve meaningful change. - Response to House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis report ([link removed]) [June 2020]
More... ([link removed])
Robert Montgomery
Director Of Operations at U.S. House of Representatives
Linkedin profile: Policy-nerd millennial talking all day to anyone who will listen about solving the climate crisis. Currently using skillsets to manage the day-to-day schedule of a House Democrat and advance her environmental justice and urban sustainability policy. Will bike for the climate.
Research and prepare briefing materials on a weekly basis for the Congresswoman and senior staff to provide updates and thorough background on policy developments in the areas of green energy and climate change.
More... ([link removed])
Time: Tuesday, May 11, 7 - 8:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting: [link removed]
Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
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** Fight or Adapt to Climate Change?
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