John, this Tuesday Tyler Huebner will discuss RENEW Wisconsin's analysis of WEC's (We Energies) Renewable Plan.
Also, find a link to a book review below.
Tyler Huebner will discuss RENEW Wisconsin's analysis of
WEC's (We Energies) Renewable Plan
For some good background before Tyler's presentation, view the video of Rich Stasik's (WEC Director of Regulations, Finance, Plan, Systems & Strategy) presentation on WEC's Renewable Plans to 350 Milwaukee's September 10th meeting here. His slide deck is also available at the link.
If you're more ambitious, read WEC's Pathway to a Cleaner Energy Future.
You can find information about our past meetings at our
Website on the Meetings tab
Check it out!
Monday, October 7, 4:00 pm
Regenerative Culture Fair
Chicago Daley Plaza
XR (Extinction Rebellion) Midwest Chapters (XR Chicago hosting)
Why: Declare climate emergency
XR's Facebook Event mentions XR among "our ... Partners"
Search for more and XR references
How Extinction Rebellion put the world on red alert
- The Guardian, October 6, 2019
Stand for a Livable Climate
Friday October 11, 2019
12:00 - 1:30 pm
Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
12:00 - 12:45pm
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.
Chase & Wells Fargo are the 1st & 2nd LARGEST
funders of Fossil Fuel companies in the WORLD!
We'll have signs and banners, but feel free to bring your own
At 12:45 we march to City Hall to:
Support "Fridays for Future"
(YCAT Student Climate Protest)
12:45 - 1:30pm
Milwaukee City Hall
Warning: Jonathan Safran Foer’s compelling new book is likely to alter your relationship to food for ever…
Future Local Actions being explored:
- "Putting Climate Front and Center in the 2020 Election” - organize to show up at candidate events with questions and signs
Does this interest you?
Let us know if you have ideas and/or want to get involved!
Contact Julie Enslow, George Martin, or Greg Walter at the meeting,
or email: 350 Milwaukee