From 350 Milwaukee <[email protected]>
Subject WI Solar & Line 3 Protests
Date July 21, 2021 9:33 PM
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Send a Message TODAY and join us this Friday                                                                                         

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“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” - Dr. Seuss, The Lorax ([link removed])

* Opportunity to support a FrontLine Line 3 protestor
* Opportunity to support Community Solar in Wisconsin
* Friday, 12-1pm: 350MKE Fridays for Future - Banks & Line 3
* Enbridge Line 3 ([link removed]) - Share MLK's & Greta T.'s persistence, Act Again
* August 10 350 Meeting - Focus on Line 3
* Action Links:
+ Fair Maps Coalition, Map Making Week of Action ([link removed]) , July 11-17
+ Fair Maps Wisconsin ([link removed]) FB - they're working hard, please help!
+ Eat More Sustainably ([link removed]) - Help the world by eating smart

Acting once gets a smile, persistence gets change!
350 Milwaukee
Support a local Line 3 Water Protector
[link removed]
If you were on our June (watch Jill here ([link removed]) ) or July (video coming soon) Zoom meetings you've heard Jill Ferguson's reports on the front lines of the Line 3 protests in Minnesota. On the right you see her "chatting" with enforcement (who's time is being billed back to Enbridge) - join us in August and hear what she was saying.

Jill has now been arrested twice and she's heading back up this Friday. It costs money for transportation, a shower after five days sleeping rough, bail, etc. Winona LaDuke and six other women were arrested Monday and their bail was set at $5,000 each.

All of us at (that includes you) are fighting to save the future, so if you can, please donate $5 or more to Jill's GoFundMe ([link removed]) to support the Water Protectors fighting Line 3!

Thank you!
350 Milwaukee
Donate Now ([link removed])
Legislation to expand community solar has been introduced.
Your action is needed!
On Tuesday, July 13 Senator Duey Stroebel [link removed](R - Saukville) and Representative Timothy Ramthun (R - Campbellsport) released legislation to expand access to community solar in Wisconsin. ([link removed]) They have asked other members of the legislature to sign on as co-sponsors of the bill.

The deadline to co-sponsor the bill is Friday, July 23^rd.
Ask Your Legislators to Co-Sponsor the Bill!

Community solar refers to a solar array, five megawatts or less, located within a community where multiple customers, including households, small businesses, churches, schools, and local governments, can subscribe to a portion of the project and receive a credit on their utility bill for their share of the power the solar panels produce. Community solar programs expand access to solar energy, avoid the significant upfront costs of a traditional system, and provide an economical alternative to the traditional process of individuals and businesses placing solar systems on their property.

To find out more about community solar and take action in support of the legislation, go to the WISCONSIN SOLAR COALITION WEBSITE ([link removed]) . ([link removed])

Thanks to RENEW Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Solar Coalition for the contents of this email.
Take Action! ([link removed])

350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, July 23, 12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St ([link removed]) .
(We've been parking along Water St.)

There's a sign waiting for you and we are too!

We are focusing on Chase and Wells Fargo's investments supporting Line 3

The world’s biggest 60 banks have provided $3.8 trillion of financing for fossil fuel companies since the Paris climate deal in 2015, according to a report by a coalition of NGOs. The Guardian, March 24, 2021 ([link removed])

Help us END Line 3!

You've been hearing or reading about record heat on the west coast of the US, in the Canadian west, New Zealand's hottest June, the Antarctic, flooding in NYC, and more. These conditions are NOT the New Normal. The New Normal is:
New Records

Ponder what that means for 20 years, 10 years, 5 years from now.

Here are three actions waiting for you!

From: William Morris (he/him) is a 25-Year-old climate activist located in Torrance, CA.

"My faith is inseparable from my activism. The earth and everyone (plants, animals, humans, etc.) on it are infused with spirit. They/We all have a purpose and reason for being. Living in reciprocity with the earth is an essential spiritual practice and way of life if we want those who come after us to inherit a habitat world. Every single faith tradition, whether in their scriptures or oral histories, has teachings and practices around caring for others and caring for our common home."

This is a critical moment to make your voice heard. ([link removed]) "

1. Tell President Biden to #StopLine3 today! ([link removed])

And two actions advocated by National

2. If thousands of people like you speak out, we can pressure Biden to stop this pipeline just like he stopped Keystone XL.

→ Call (888) 724-8946 ←

You'll be connected to the White House Council of Economic Advisors where you'll be asked to leave a voice message.
If the inbox is full, submit a comment ([link removed]) to the White House.

Hi, my name is ______, and I'm calling from __________

Since the public comment line is closed, I’m calling to urge President Biden to revoke permits for all oil and gas pipelines like Dakota Access and Line 3, and stop approving all new fossil fuel projects. If the President is serious about addressing the climate crisis, he must keep fossil fuels in the ground and invest in the communities that bear the brunt of pollution and climate disasters.

3. The Line 3 pipeline directly undermines the Biden administration’s stated priorities of respecting Indigenous rights and responding to the climate crisis.

Our demands are clear: Biden must listen to the people and direct the Army Corps of Engineers to immediately reevaluate and suspend or revoke Enbridge’s Line 3 Clean Water Act Section 404 permit.

In order to be a #ClimatePresident, President Biden must stop this pipeline and reject all fossil fuel projects. We will not rest until Biden upholds his principles and puts people and our planet before fossil fuel profits.

Please take the first step and add your name to our petition calling on Biden to revoke the permit.

Tell Biden: Revoke the Line 3 permit ([link removed])

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, August 10, 7 - 8:30pm
Zoom Meeting ([link removed])

The Line 3 Story
History, Impact, & Frontline Experiences

Tim Cordon - Building Unity
Jill Ferguson - Elder Water Protector

Time: Tuesday, August 10, 7 - 8:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting: [link removed]

Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
Dial by your location
Find your local number: [link removed]

Visit us at:
** 350 Milwaukee Web ([link removed])

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** 350 Milwaukee YouTube ([link removed])
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