“To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men.” – Ella Wheeler Wilcox American (b. Wisconsin) Poet

  • Tomorrow, Aug. 20, Friday's for Future - Chase & Wells Fargo
  • Action Alert for Wisconsin Community Solar!
  • August 24 & 25, Line 3 Rallies at Madison, WI & Minnesota Capitols
  • September 14 350MKE Meeting - The Climate Consensus
  • ClimateAdam - Has Climate Change become just background noise?
  • Watch for it: Sept. 24, Global Climate Strike

Acting once gets a smile, persistence gets change!
350 Milwaukee

350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, August 20, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 pm

Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.
Masks and Distancing as appropriate

Send an email (read below),
then join us tomorrow in downtown Milwaukee!

And one more thing:
Would you ask a friend "What do you know about Enbridge Line 3?"

"President Biden has immense power to combat the climate crisis. That includes the power to push major banks and insurance companies to stop funding and insuring the corporations causing the climate crisis.

Earlier this year, President Biden issued a first-of-its-kind Executive Order on Climate-Related Financial Risk, a vital step toward tackling the U.S. financial industry’s outsized contributions to the climate crisis. The first findings of the Executive Order are due back on September 17th.

Between now and then, we need to make sure that the Biden Administration uses this opportunity to do everything it can to force Wall Street banks and other financial institutions to stop funding the fossil fuel companies driving climate chaos.

Can you send an email to senior White House officials, demanding that they regulate the US financial sector and drive down its funding of the fossil fuel industry? Your email will go directly into the inbox of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, National Economic Council director Brian Deese, and other senior officials in the Biden Administration."

In solidarity
~ the Stop the Money Pipeline team

Action Alert: Wisconsin Community Solar!

Do you know that Wisconsin Republican legislators have introduced bill LRB-1902/2 - authorizing community solar programs and granting rule-making authority?

Read about it:
Community Solar for Everyone - RENEW Wisconsin
In Wisconsin, conservatives make the case for third-party community solar - Renewable  Energy  World

Have you been hoping for something like this?

Take an action and let your representatives know you want them to support community solar NOW!

Click the map below (opens browser) and enter your address at the upper right corner.
In the pop-up, click on the email link or call your rep's phone number.

Write or call and ask your representatives to support 
Community Solar

From Tim Cordon, Building Unity:

The fight against Line 3 isn't over yet!
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 - Madison
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - St Paul

Join us on [TuesdayAugust 24th as we travel from cities throughout Wisconsin to a rally at Wisconsin's State Capitol and then on to the Twin Cities for the Treaties Not Tar Sands event at the Minnesota State Capitol that will happen the next day on August 25th. Overnight floorspace for sleeping is being provided by churches in St. Paul.

In Milwaukee: Meet in the parking lot of Redeemer Lutheran Church (N. 19th St. and Wisconsin Ave.) no later than 10:00 am. on Tuesday, August 24th. Form there, car caravan of water protectors will depart for Wisconsin's State Capitol in Madison.

In Madison: We will rally at 12:00 noon at the State St. Corner of the Capitol Square. At 1:00 pm, the caravan of Water Protectors will leave for other Wisconsin stops on our way to St. Paul. We will enjoy a welcoming meal dinner in Saint Paul and sleeping space at Unity Church - Unitarian in St. Paul.

[Wednesday, August 25, we'll] join the mass action Treaties Not Tar Sands, at the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul calling for the stopping of Line 3.

Share this event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/148731610704832

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm
We've reserved a place for you at our

Zoom Meeting

The Climate Consensus:
How UWM Scientists are Bringing the Climate Conversation to You

Clark Evans
UWM Professor of Atmospheric Sciences

Andrew Westgate
PhD Candidate, UWM

The Climate Consensus
A network of concerned scientists speaking up for truth and our future

The Climate Consensus Network has an aim of dispelling the myth held by many people that scientists do not consider climate change to be a serious issue. They want to bridge the divide between scientists and the public. The science students in the network go out to schools and organizations to talk about climate and why it matters. Through their efforts, the barriers to acknowledging the climate crisis are likely to start coming down. The speakers can also share their stories in order to equip us to go out and have climate conversations.

Time: Tuesday, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88669721077

Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
Dial by your location
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keCBgiw54A

IPCC reveals how we are changing the climate

Visit us at:
350 Milwaukee Web
350 Milwaukee FaceBook
350 Milwaukee Twitter
350 Milwaukee YouTube

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4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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