Less than SIX HOURS until Tonight's 350 Meeting
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“Twenty-five years ago people could be excused for not knowing much, or doing much, about climate change. Today we have no excuse.“ - Desmond Tutu, Former Archbishop of Cape Town
* Tonight at 7pm, The Climate Consensus is with UWM Scientists
* This Friday, Friday's for Future
Acting once gets a smile, persistence gets change!
350 Milwaukee
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tonight, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm
We've reserved a place for you at TONIGHT's
Zoom Meeting ([link removed])
Do your friends say "Climate Change isn't real"?
Get some answers TONIGHT!
Join us TONIGHT to learn
How UWM Scientists are Bringing the Climate Conversation to You
The Climate Consensus
Clark Evans
UWM Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
Andrew Westgate
PhD Candidate, UWM
The Climate Consensus ([link removed])
A network of concerned scientists speaking up for truth and our future
The Climate Consensus Network has an aim of dispelling the myth held by many people that scientists do not consider climate change to be a serious issue. They want to bridge the divide between scientists and the public. The science students in the network go out to schools and organizations to talk about climate and why it matters. Through their efforts, the barriers to acknowledging the climate crisis are likely to start coming down. The speakers can also share their stories in order to equip us to go out and have climate conversations.
Time: Tuesday, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting: [link removed]
Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
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350MKE Fridays for Future
Friday, September 17, 2021
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St ([link removed]) .
Masks and Distancing as appropriate
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