Republican Party


RPA Releases Fourth Party Principle: Individual liberty secured by a limited government

The Republican Party of Arkansas National Committeewoman Mindy McAlindon champions the Party's fourth principle, individual liberty secured by a limited government. This op-ed is a part of the RPA's ten-part series on Party principles.

"Limited Government is a calling card of every Republican candidate. But why? What are the virtues of a Limited Government? ​The real virtue of a Limited Government is that it promotes and supports economic and personal freedom – a free society. 

As a government grows, the influence of institutions integral to the fabric of our society, like churches, other religious institutions, and family, are forced to shrink. Alexis de Tocqueville recognized these voluntary institutions as the bedrock of American liberty and self-reliance. These institutions are where we teach and learn our value system, our morals, and our beliefs. It is what binds families and communities together, caring and supporting one another. Having liberty allows us to dream and reach for those dreams. It drives creativity and innovation. It is what has made this American Experiment the most successful in the history of the world." (....)

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