That’s why we're going right into the belly of the beast by visiting college campuses with the TRUTH.
Will you help us continue this vitally important tour with your generous gift right now?
Your gift will enable us to fund the travel expenses for my team. It will cover the cost of the promotional work that will bring students in the door. It will help provide transportation for students to off-campus venues when we're not allowed to meet on campus due to draconian COVID restrictions (a challenge we have dealt with a few times already).
And it will help fund TPUSA chapters on these campuses and many others, so that conservative students in hostile environments can sustain their camaraderie and support for one another long after the event is over.
Many conservatives have written off places like the University of Vermont or the University of Oregon. They say they're too far gone... too steeped in radical Leftism.
And that's PRECISELY why we're going there on this tour. For many students, this event may be the only exposure they get on their college campus to the truth about Critical Race Theory.
Already, we're seeing just what’s possible when we carry the truth into those dark places. Students’ eyes are being opened. They’re finding their courage. They're fighting back against the poison of Critical Race Theory, socialism, and Marxism and standing up for our pro-America values in some of the most hostile environments in America.