Friend --
When the American people don’t immediately bend to the whims of Joe Biden, he doesn’t get to impose his will through mandates and executive edicts. Biden and Fauci have gone from 15 days to slow the spread to 3 jabs to keep your job.
Fortunately for all of us, the Constitution – and the State of Florida – are standing in Joe Biden’s way.
I called the Florida Legislature into Special Session to protect people’s jobs and personal freedoms. And today, I signed four pieces of legislation from the Keep Florida Free agenda to PROTECT FREEDOM in Florida.
These bills ENSURE that the rights, liberties, and freedoms of all Floridians are protected against the whims of power-hungry politicians and incompetent government bureaucrats with a God complex.
Signing these bills into law is a victory for:
✅ Every worker in Florida who can go to sleep tonight knowing they can wake up tomorrow without the dread of having to decide between putting food on the table for their family or getting a jab in the arm.
✅ Every student who was harmed by being forced to wear a mask for hours on end while at school.
✅ Every parent who knows THEY are the ones who should be making medical decisions for their children, NOT the government.
✅ Every Floridian who has been unfairly burdened by the ideological, anti-science agendas of Democrats from local school boards all the way to the White House.
What Joe Biden wants to do is not only unconstitutional, it is flat wrong. Had Florida not stepped in to defend freedom from government overreach, lockdowns, mandates, and business closures, we’d be living in a Faucian dystopia today.
I stepped in Biden and Fauci’s way because defending your freedom is the right thing to do. I’ve been proud to stand next to parents, workers, and students as I fight for freedom.
Leadership means doing all you can to stand by people. That is what we did today in Florida.
Friend, the fight for freedom is upon us, but I can assure you I’m just getting started. Chip in $100, $50, or $25 to help me continue this uphill battle to protect our freedom and liberty in the great state of Florida.
Thank you for your continued support,
Ron DeSantis
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