Do you know what Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar have in common? They have all endorsed my campa
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Do you know what Rand Paul, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar have in common? 

They have all endorsed my campaign for Congress.

My name is Anthony Sabatini and I am proud to be an America-First candidate running for Congress AND I am proud to be endorsed by the heroes and rockstars of the America-First movement. 

I am running against Stephanie Murphy (I call her Marxist Murphy), a vulnerable Democrat that votes over 95% of the time with Nancy Pelosi. She is a China-First & America-Last socialist and I am going to kick her out of office. 

Please join my campaign by making a donation of $20.22, $50, $100, $250 or ANY amount by clicking here >>>

Senator Rand Paul emailed you.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene emailed you. 

Rep. Matt Gaetz emailed you. 

Rep. Paul Gosar emailed you. 

Even Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn emailed you! 

Now I am emailing you to personally ask you to join my campaign and help me win in November. 

My goal is to raise $25,000 from NEW online supporters before the end of the year. This is my big End-of-Quarter push and I am counting on your help. 

Why should you donate? 

Because I am Florida’s leading voice for election integrity and a full forensic audit… I helped pass a BAN on vaccine passports and mandates… I will FIRE Fauci… I support building the wall… and I am fighting for Donald Trump’s legacy. 
Join my campaign today and help me reach my goal of raising $25,000 before my deadline! 

Donate $20.22 >>>
Donate $35 >>>
Donate $50 >>>
Donate $100 >>>
Donate $250 >>>
Donate $500 >>>
Donate $1,000 >>>
Donate Any Amount >>>

I realize you likely receive 100+ emails a day asking you to support a candidate running for office. 

I want you to know I am nothing like these run of the mill, spineless, useless, pieces of Swamp garbage who betray our country and stab us in the back. 

My record PROVES I am a conservative FIGHTER. 

I am taking a sledgehammer to the Establishment. 

As I traverse through the Swamp, I will clear my path with a flamethrower. 

I’m not running for Congress to make friends or kiss the ring of the Establishment. My goal is to Drain the Swamp, become Nancy Pelosi’s greatest nightmare, and MAKE AMERICA FIRST. 

Please join my campaign by clicking here to donate.

Thank you, 

Anthony Sabatini
America-First Candidate for Congress


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