Dear John,

First, thank you for the continued support to the Judge Roy Moore Legal Defense Fund and our rigorous efforts of exposing the corruption in our election process.

For over four years, we have battled the liberal attorneys from California, New York, Washington D.C., and Birmingham Alabama who have joined forces to represent, "free of charge", the individuals who made false allegations against my husband, Judge Roy Moore, during the 2017 U.S. Senate race in Alabama.

After a very costly and exhaustive discovery process to discredit his reputation, weaken his resolve, and render him helpless, their efforts have failed!

Thanks to supporters like you, Judge Moore is still standing!

This case has been set for trial on January 24, 2022, and we are all excited to go before a jury to expose the corrupt political process and fraudulent election system. We have a little over a month to prepare and your support would be critical to our success!

Judge Moore needs help from patriots like you to continue to support his Defense Fund as we prepare for this costly and long-awaited trial.


A victory, in this case, will set a new precedent for truth and justice, and will be a resounding defeat for the forces of evil out to destroy our country!

They have a much larger war chest than we do, and trial will be costly, but we are faithful that, with your help, and the truth on our side, we will win at a trial!

Thank you in advance for your faithful support!




Kayla Moore
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