Kyle was just ACQUITTED and is now officially FREE!
This was a victory for the truth, for justice, and for every American's God-given and unalienable right of self-defense.
We are so overcome with emotion, and as hard as that was, we are thankful.
We are thankful for the millions of Americans who stood with Kyle from the start.
We are thankful for the many others who watched the trial with an open mind, realized that they had been lied to for a year and a half, and spoke out.
And we are thankful to the jury which put aside bias, considered the facts, and came to the right decision.
Now, we will try to return to something that resembles a normal life – however that requires one more major push to settle our case-related debts and pay off what we hope will be our final legal bills.
So please, take all that positive energy I know you're feeling and make an urgent donation to help us close this very ugly chapter in our lives. |
Any funds left over will be transferred into Kyle's scholarship fund so that he'll be able to graduate from college debt-free.
You'll be hearing from us again, but for now, and from the bottom of our hearts – thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
With love,
Wendy Rittenhouse |