Do you want a Climate President in 2020?

Dear John,

Yesterday, the Trump Administration formally submitted its plans to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement.

But guess what day the withdrawal will go into effect? November 4, 2020. That’s right: because of a scheduling fluke, Trump can’t legally exit the Paris Agreement until the day after the 2020 Presidential election.

That means that if we do our job right, we could see a new President-elect recommit the US to Paris, just as Trump tries to pull us out.

If you want to see a Climate President elected in 2020, become a 350 Action supporter today.

Here at 350 Action, we are laser-focused on making that moment a reality. As the political arm of our sister organization,, 350 Action works across the country to push politicians to adopt bold climate policies and then make sure they get elected into office.

Your donations help us take the incredible grassroots energy of the climate movement and translate it into a real political impact.

Let me give you an example: This September, helped organize well over 7 MILLION PEOPLE to take to the streets for the Global Climate Strike, the largest global protest in history. In the days that followed, 350 Action stepped in to make sure that all those young people were both registered to vote and connected with campaigns to elect real climate champions.

We need a climate justice advocate in the White House, become a 350 Action supporter today!

Doing this work takes money. We need your donations to fund our team of 350 Action fellows who are working in key primary states to make sure climate is a top priority. For social media ads that can target people who care deeply about climate, but don’t get out and vote (according to some polls, only 50% of environmentalists voted in 2016). And for making sure that every youth climate striker gets to a ballot box — or if they’re not old enough to vote, they drag their parents there with them!

The dollars you give to 350 Action won’t get lost in a giant campaign or get wasted on TV-ads that no one ends up watching. Your donation goes directly into the work that will help make sure that on November 3, 2020, we elect a new President who says, “Forget Trump, I’m not only re-committing the US to the Paris Agreement, but we’re going to strengthen our commitments to meet what science and justice demand!”

Click here to help us make that moment a reality.

Thank you,
Jamie Henn
Founder, 350 Action

This message has been authorized and paid for by 350 Action, 20 Jay St, Suite 732, Brooklyn, NY 11201, May Boeve, Executive Director. This message has not been expressly authorized, requested, or approved by any federal, state, or local candidate, candidate’s committee or their agents, or by any ballot issue committee.

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