The radical left-wing media is already showing who they want to destroy in 2022. I’m here to warn you NOW about their plans to
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The radical left-wing media is already showing who they want to destroy in 2022. I’m here to warn you NOW about their plans to destroy these TOP 4 targets:

#4: Republicans

This is a given, but be prepared for it to get even worse as they start to call Republicans, terrorists or racists.

#3: Comedians

The regime in charge of the media cannot allow for any deviations from the socialist narrative. Joe Rogan, Tim Dillon, and Dave Chappelle all represent a threat to the Establishment Media. As champions of free speech, the left-wing media will seek to destroy them.

#2: Parents
Lenin (a Soviet era communist) said in order to bring about total domination you must control education. The radicals in the media will continue their war on parents.
#1: Unvaccinated
The unvaccinated will be the excuse and scapegoat for the failures of vaccines and mandates. The rhetoric here may get very dangerous.

I am warning you, but I am also asking for you to support the Media Research Center (MRC) to expose the radical bias in the media. It’s no longer the news corporations. It’s also collusion with the White House and Big Tech. 

Can you send an urgent donation of $10, $50, $100, or any amount you can generously spare to the Media Research Center?

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I am the Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC). MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to exposing the radical left-wing agenda in the media. 

Thanks to our efforts exposing bias in the media, 90% of Americans do not TRUST the media as a reliable source of information. 


Before MRC, voters would believe their evening news. We have shown Americans how much they are being lied to. We are teaching voters to Believe in America - Not the Media. 

Here’s how MRC exposes the fake news media:
Please help me DEFEAT the leftwing media and their lies by becoming a supporter of the Media Research Center today!
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The Media Research Center is the ONLY conservative organization recording the media 24/7, identifying lies, exposing false media coverage, and holding the media accountable. 

Our efforts have led to reporters being terminated for fake news reporting, major news publications retracting false statements, apologies from news personalities, and more. 

I am truly worried about the uptick in dangerous rhetoric from the media. They are calling Republicans and parents terrorists. They are putting a false blame onto the unvaccinated. 

If we do not expose them, then their lies will influence voters which will have bad consequences.

Please prayerfully consider making a generous donation of any amount by clicking here. 

I hope my email reaches you in time. I am looking to raise $10,000 in the next 48 hours to expand our operations in 2022. 

Thank you for standing up for liberty,


Brent Bozell
President & Founder of MRC

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