Since the 2022 Legislative Session began in January, I’ve been keeping a close eye on Tallahassee, and I’m sad to report that the Republican-led Legislature has chosen to focus on dividing Floridians by creating made-up problems in order to distract from their lack of solutions to the real issues impacting our state.
With less than a week to go, we’ve yet to see any action on the pressing issues affecting the people of our community and our state, despite attempts by a number of legislators. Instead, we’ve seen attacks on our personal freedoms and most vulnerable communities.
In the last few weeks, bills have passed that will limit reproductive freedom, erode existing protections for LGBTQ youth, and harm immigrant children.
I decided to run for office, because I want to improve the lives of the people of our district and of our state. We need to create more high-paying jobs in our community, improve access to affordable healthcare, and address the housing crisis.
Across our state, people are struggling and we need to act to help them.