Did you think the propaganda surrounding Covid-19 was bad? We’re about to see worse—Ukraine is the next media propaganda sh
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Hello Friend,

Did you think the propaganda surrounding Covid-19 was bad?

We’re about to see worse—Ukraine is the next media propaganda show.

The media’s talking heads are already starting the show.

The propaganda is worse than ever, but the Media Research Center (MRC), America’s premier media watchdog, is fighting back.

Will you support TRUTH in media, STOP radical propaganda, and EXPOSE media liars by donating $25, $50, $100, or any generous amount? Click here to donate >>>

Let me introduce myself briefly. I am the Founder and President of the Media Research Center (MRC). MRC is the only conservative organization dedicated to exposing the radical left-wing agenda in the media. 

When the MRC was founded in 1987, over 75% of Americans trusted the leftwing media… now, 90% DO NOT trust the Fake News media.

Before MRC, voters would believe their evening news. We have shown Americans how much they are being lied to. We are teaching voters to Believe in America - Not the Media. 

I am asking for your immediate support today to help me raise $25,000 in the next 48 hours.


These celebrity talking heads are oblivious to the true harm war between two nuclear powers can cause.

They are trying to blame Biden’s failures— inflation and sky-high food and energy prices— on Ukraine. 

They callously discuss escalating conflict and rising gas prices as if it was no big deal. But these lies affect real people. So the MRC is exposing them for the liars they are.

I refuse to stand idle and let lies reign in America.

Will you stand with me? Click any link below to donate.

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The leftwing media protects politicians… MRC exposes the truth about them. 

The leftwing media tries to hide Biden’s failure with inflation and jobs… MRC spreads the truth and exposes the media bias. 

The leftwing media lies to push their radical agenda like CRT… MRC shows the American people how liberty can solve our problems. 

I have committed my life’s work to exposing the media. 

Thank you,

Brent Bozell
Founder and President of MRC

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