Hey team – my name is Elizabeth Allon and I am the Digital Strategist for Barrier To Entry PAC. Part of my job is to communicate directly with folks like you and get the Democratic message out into the world. With that comes discussions of fundraising, field work, volunteering, and so much more. Today, I am here to talk about knocking doors and raising funds for Jamie McLoed - Skinner who is running for Congress in Oregon.
Jamie has dedicated her life to working in public service and helping people. Jamie has built a strong campaign through hard work and dedication from grassroots donors like you.
We are now going to ask for your help again, folks. We are very invested in this race and we know you are too and if we want to see Jamie win then we need to keep supporting her. Right now, Jamie needs funds to continue doing important field work like knocking doors and meeting voters. This is crucial to her race and we need as many resources and volunteers out there as we can get.
Jamie is neck and neck in the polls with her opponent. She can win this. The biggest barrier to beating her opponent right now is resources—she does not take millions of dollars from Big Pharma and corporate oil companies. If she can access these resources, she has a much higher chance of winning.
So, will you chip in any amount that you can so we can help get Jamie the funds she needs? By donating you will help get Jamie’s message of supporting working families and supporting our democracy across to millions of people.
Thank you BTE team,
-- Elizabeth
(Digital Strategist, BTE)
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BARRIER TO ENTRY PAC supports candidates and campaign staff from working class backgrounds as they carve their paths in the Democratic political space. We provide direct cash assistance for essential items like phones, cars, laptops, and living stipends -- which often times, these candidates and their campaigns don't have access to. We also serve as a resource for individual mentorship and training to ensure candidates and their staff feel supported and equipped to enter the political space.
Pitch in today to help provide necessary support and resources for working class candidates today! >>
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Columbus, OH 43204
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Paid for by Barrier To Entry PAC