Your time and energy are needed to preserve reproductive rights in Iowa.
We need you!
Please consider signing up to help fight for abortion rights in Iowa.
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Friend –
If you've been watching the news, you know that access to abortion in Iowa and the country is in peril. We're asking you to give your time and energy to join us in fighting for abortion rights.
To be clear, abortion remains legal in Iowa. But access is threatened:
* Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a shameful decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, removing federal protections established in Roe v. Wade a half-century ago.
* Earlier this month, the Iowa Supreme Court delivered a devastating blow <[link removed]> to the future of abortion access in Iowa, lowering the state-level protections for abortion rights moving forward.
* On the horizon is another threat: A proposed amendment to the Iowa Constitution <[link removed]> would state that Iowans have no right to an abortion at all, stripping even the current, reduced protections as they are now interpreted in the Iowa Constitution. This amendment is making its way through the Iowa Legislature and is likely to be on the ballot in 2024. This would be an all-but-permanent change.
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment in our history. We have to create the future we want to see: one that safeguards abortion care, upholds basic rights and freedoms, and respects our decision-making.
Please consider volunteering your time and energy to work with us at the ACLU of Iowa to defend abortion rights in our state. <[link removed]> Please note: This link will take you to a third-party website,
In addition to your support of the ACLU of Iowa, please also consider supporting Iowa Abortion Access Fund and Planned Parenthood North Central States.
With thanks for whatever you can do,
Thanks for sticking with us,
Becca Eastwood
Becca Eastwood
Advocacy Campaign Manager, ACLU of Iowa
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