Alabama Political Reporter: SPLC: Huntsville plan to evict homeless from encampment 'threatens their health and lives' Arise joined with local and statewide advocates to urge Huntsville not to displace residents from an encampment before providing adequate housing. “Camp closures do not help end homelessness and instead stack up more barriers that this community must face,” the groups wrote in a letter to city officials. |
Greene County Democrat: NAACP and coalition of organizations hold 'Shelby Day of Action' to commemorate 9th anniversary of Shelby v. Holder decision gutting 1965 Voting Rights Act “It is important that we protect and expand voting rights in Alabama, especially for the poor and the elderly,” Arise’s Robyn Hyden said at a news conference in Calera. “We must support voting by mail and early voting to help the people of our state.” |