Liz Cheney signed a multi-year deal with Team Pelosi
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Fellow Patriot,

In my home state of Wyoming, loyalty and freedom still mean something.

So why is Republican Liz Cheney playing on Nancy Pelosi's team?

Not only did she vote to impeach President Trump, praise Dr. Fauci, and slander Americans like you as a "danger" to our Democracy . . .

She's taken a leading role on Pelosi's Soviet-Style January 6th Commission!

This kind of betrayal cannot continue, which is why I hope you'll support my America First Primary Challenge against Liz Cheney with a $35 or more campaign contribution?

My name is Harriet Hageman and, unlike Liz Cheney – who lives in Northern Virginia – Wyoming is my home.

Growing up on a ranch outside Ft. Laramie, I learned the value of hard work, integrity, self-sufficiency, and honesty from an early age.

They're not just values Joe Biden and his radical Democrats hate – they run absolutely counter to the elitist values of Cheney and her establishment backers.

Unfortunately, it's those establishment backers – including Never-Trumpers at the Lincoln Project and NeoCons like John Bolton and John Boehner – who are now going all-in to keep Cheney in power.

Case in point, just a few weeks ago, Cheney held a ritzy fundraiser with Mitt Romney where she charged $10,000 a head for VIPs . . .

On top of the nearly $5 million in campaign cash she's amassed from a steady stream of Never-Trumpers and Democrats!

That's right – even the billionaire cousin of Far-Left Illinois Governor JB Pritzker shelled out $20,000 for Cheney!

My friend, with the Never-Trump arm of the establishment working night and day to keep Cheney in power, I'm going to need patriots like you to keep my campaign to defeat her going.

So please, won't you give an emergency $35, $50, $75, or $100 donation to my campaign so I can go dollar for dollar with her elitist backers?

It's unfortunately not hard to see why Democrats are teaming up with the establishment in taking Cheney's side.

Even before she voted to impeach President Trump on bogus charges in a sham hearing, she'd made it clear she sided with Big Government over you .

Sure, she loves to go around appearing on CNN and 60 Minutes lecturing us about how "principled" she is, but there's nothing principled about betraying the 70% of Wyoming voters who voted for President Trump.

Nor is it "principled" to sit side-by-side with Nancy Pelosi in a Soviet-Style hearing that uses Big Government to punish conservatives as political prisoners!

My friend, there are dozens of issues Liz Cheney could be tackling instead of this sham January 6th commission.

She could be investigating Afghanistan and Joe Biden's incompetence.

She could be looking into Nancy Pelosi's spying on conservative representatives.

She could be questioning Dr. Fauci's dangerous Gain-of-Function research.

But instead, she's scoring compliments from far-left anchors at CNN in her never-ending vendetta against President Trump and his supporters!

There's no room in Wyoming, or the republican party for rabid anti-Trumpers who will sell out the constituents they represent for some positive press time from fake news stations like CNN, and I hope you'll help me.

As I said, loyalty and freedom still mean something here in Wyoming. While DC might be full of back-door deals and shifting political winds, the men and women of my state value the Cowboy ethos and ethic of riding for the brand.

You see, back in the old West, Cowboys gave their promise to stay loyal to the people who hired them. To the people who paid them.

They made a choice to fight for the brand as it was one of their own, to keep their word to the brand, and to never betray it.

As a DC insider, Liz Cheney knows nothing about that, but I do.

My family put down roots on a ranch outside of Laramie 1879, where we've raised cattle ever since.

Out here, we have a strong work ethic and fierce independence, and we don't take kindly to Big Government Socialists like Nancy Pelosi trying to control us.

It's why I've spent my professional life as a lawyer battling Big Government and federal agencies trying to usurp our rights, and why I'll do it in Washington, too.

I'm also:
  • 100% Pro-Life
  • A strong supporter of our Second Amendment
  • Totally and Completely Against Vaccine Mandates
  • Believe in the need to fight for our Election Integrity
  • A believer in our fight for election integrity
  • Committed to government transparency and ending wasteful spending!
My friend, these are the issues conservatives need to put front and center: Not joining Nancy Pelosi in some anti-American tribunal designed to persecute fellow Americans!

So please, would you consider giving a $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or $2,900 donation to my campaign to defeat Liz Cheney in the next 3 days?

As I told you earlier in this letter, Cheney has $5 million in campaign cash ready to bail her out in this race.

With each passing day more and more Democrats flock to her side, desperate to keep their war on President Trump and you going.

Because of that, I need your urgent financial support in the next 3 days.

Of course, if you can't quite afford to give $35 at this time, I understand

But know a gift of any amount lets me know you support my Trump-endorsed campaign against Cheney --- and helps me crisscross the 97,914 square miles of Wyoming to talk to each and every voter in this state.

My friend, I started by telling you how, out here in my home state of Wyoming, loyalty and freedom still mean something.

And even though you may not live here, I hope these values mean something to you, too. I look forward you your response. And I want to thank you for your support.

Harriet M. Hageman
Harriet Hageman
America First Conservative for Congress (WY)

PS: Remember – Democrat megadonors are shelling out tens of thousands for Liz Cheney. But while she has the support of Democrats and establishment career politicians like Mitt Romney, she doesn't speak for you and me.

Will you help me prove that by sending her packing with a $35 or more campaign donation to my primary challenge?

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