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John: Union members need to be talking to each other about the issues so we can work together to advance our shared agenda. That's why we're asking: "What do you care about?"
[link removed] Please click here now to let us know, and together we can improve the lives of working people across the country!
This is part of the AFL-CIO's Week of Action around the theme "Protect our Freedoms": the freedom to stand together in a union. Freedom to participate in and preserve democracy. Freedom to earn fair pay in return for our labor. Freedom of a safe workplace & a voice on the job. Freedom of control over our own bodies. And more.
Union members worked together across the labor movement to win many important victories for working people last year. We secured historic funding and investment in our nation's infrastructure, saved our pensions, helped striking workers secure better contracts and unleashed a wave of union organizing. We kept our country moving forward through a global pandemic.
But there's still so much we can do together. Passing pro-worker laws will strengthen us at the bargaining table so we can care for ourselves and our families. [link removed] Please click here to let us know what you care about.
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